Guy Rundle has written to Crikey from Berlin where, judging from his nasty piece of fantasy entitled Rundle: walking out on Ahmadinejad highlights West's hypocrisy (no link available at present) he has been celebrating the late Fuehrer's 120th birthday.
Here is a selection of his foan at the mouth rant on Ahmadinejad's keynote speech to the converted and semi-converted at Durban 2:
Well score another PR win for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in pursuit of his principal aim -- shoring up his domestic political base by keeping Iran's international relations in a state of permanent crisis.
His speech to the Durban II Conference -- already depleted by half a dozen boycotts -- had them running for the exits faster than the "The Australian Film Finance Corporation Presents" slide. The Czech Republic, that whacko group of climate change deniers and eurosceptics (or was that the last Czech govt?), isn't coming back at all, after Ahme... MA's racist, hate-filled tirade against Israel in the first session. The others who walked out include most of Europe, plus St Kitts and Nevis, who must have presumed it was something about whaling they'd been bribed to vote against.
Writing about Britain and the US:
Following World War Two, they resorted to making an entire nation homeless on the pretext of Jewish suffering. They sent migrants from Europe, the United States and other parts of the world in order to establish a totally racist government in the occupied Palestine. In compensation for the dire consequences of racism in Europe, they helped bring to power the most cruel and repressive, r-cist regime in Palestine.
Well not initially. In fact the UK tried to stop Jewish immigration to the Mandate, which prompted a brutal guerrilla campaign against them, which persuaded them they were better off without the place. After that, fairly true -- Truman unilaterally recognised Israel once the uprising had hit its straps. No-one can look at the mass murder of Palestinians in 1948 and conclude it was anything other than cruel and racist:
It is all the more regrettable that a number of Western governments and the United States have committed themselves to defending those racist perpetrators of genocide, whilst the awakened consciences and free-minded people of the world condemn aggression, brutality and the bombardment of civilians of Gaza.
Genocide? Well according to the Raoul Lemkin definition of genocide as adopted by the UN, the term includes the attempt to destroy the capacity of a people to reproduce itself as a distinct entity, and you'd have to say the settlements policy has been a pretty good go at that:
On the Zionists:
Today, the human community is facing a kind of racism which has tarnished the image of humanity. In the beginning of the third millennium, the word Zionism personifies racism, that falsely resorts to religion and abuses religious sentiments to hide hatred.Now he admits that he's suffering paranoia while sitting in Adolph's bunker over there in Berlin:
Whether or not it was racist to begin with, one can't really deny that Zionism as is has given a license to dehumanise the Palestinian population -- actually, it's the kind of opinion you'd see in Haaretz on a fairly regular basis.
Efforts must be made to put an end to the abuse by Zionists and their supporters of political and international means ... Governments must be encouraged and supported in the fight aimed at eradicating this barbaric racism and moving towards reforming the current international mechanisms.It doesn't get any better after that but the man gets so delerious that it's a waste of time repeating the drivel about blood and matzohs and the like. I won't even waste any more space on this idiot other than to say that someone else has hit it on the head and I'll leave it to him.
You are all aware of the conspiracy of some powers and Zionist circles against the goals and objectives of this conference ... It should be recognised that boycotting such a session is a true indication of supporting the blatant example of racism.
God, you can see the diplomats thinking, as if anyone's going to believe the Zionists run everything! They'd never fall for that. So it won't be a problem if we stage a mass walk-out, on behalf of a country we don't represent. We're fighting racism after all, in the name of liberal human rights, like free speech -- so let's make it clear that the one thing that can't be discussed in unauthorised terms is Zionism and Israel.
Clearly a deranged piece of nazi shit this Rundle.
Fark him!
Clearly a deranged piece of nazi shit this Rundle.
Fark him!
Clearly a deranged piece of nazi shit this Rundle.
Fark him!
Clearly a deranged piece of nazi shit this Rundle.
Fark him!
Clearly a deranged piece of nazi shit this Rundle.
Fark him!
Clearly a deranged piece of nazi shit this Rundle.
Fark him!
I think you've made your point sir.
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