Monday, April 30, 2012
Israel is, after all a vibrant democracy and in such circumstances it's not unknown for there to be disagreements between governments and former public servants who might have an eye on a political career so one has to take with a grain of salt articles such as that written by Jodi Rudoren (Ex-security chief attacks Israeli leaders over Iran) which appeared in today's Age, straight out of the New York Times.
Truth be known, we expect rigorous debate in a democracy and, although it's unlikely that the Age selected this article for publication to demonstrate this fact, I'm pleased that it disclosed to its readers that Yuval Diskin, who retired last year as the director of Shin Bet, that Meir Dagan, the former head of the Mossad spy agency, that the current head of the Israel Defence Forces, Lieutenant-General Benny Gantz and that blogger Meir Javedanfar can all freely express their views on the Israeli government.
What I don't understand is why the Age never publishes anything about the other side of the coin in relation to this conflict.
Why we do we never hear about the anti-Semitism, homophobia and misogyny that pervades Hamas, the Palestine Authority, Hizbullah and Iran?
Why is the Age only waking up now to the hideous nature of the murderous Assad family in Syria?
Why has there not been a word written about the censorship of websites by the Palestine Authority and of the lies that are told about their banning?
Why has nothing been written about the divisions within the ranks of the Palestine Authority and the failure of the farcical unity talks between the PA and Hamas?
I guess all that will be forthcoming any day now but only if the journalist who writes the story can put an anti-Israel spin on it - otherwise, it all goes straight into the blank pages ...
Sunday, April 29, 2012
A key unresolved human rights issue
Unfortunatley, it remains a human rights issue that is largely ignored throughout the world.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Netanyahu takes on Grass
Welt am Sonntag: In a strange reversal of history Israelis today seem to be much less critical about Germany than Germans are towards Israel. Just take the issue of Günter Grass . His poem was rejected by most of the German media, but his words seem to have resonated more widely in the German public. How do you explain that?
Netanyahu: First of all I think what Grass says is an absolute outrage. That it comes from a German Nobel laureate and not from a teenager in a Neo-Nazi party makes it all the more outrageous. And it demands a very strong response. I think what Grass has said shows a collapse of moral clarity.He has created a perfect moral inversion where the aggressor becomes the victim and the victim becomes the aggressor. Where those who try to defend themselves against the threat of annihilation become the threat to world peace. And where the firefighter and not the arsonist is the real danger.Here is a simple fact that apparently has eluded Mister Grass: Israel doesn’t seek to destroy Iran, Iran seeks to destroy Israel and openly calls for it and works for it by building atomic bombs for that expressed purpose.What do we do with such statements? In every society you have extreme statements. A society is not judged by those statements but by how the leadership responds to them. And I think the fact that there was a broad condemnation by the leaders of Germany is important and positive. I am concerned that there is an undercurrent of support for this, at best it reflects a great ignorance on the facts that I have just put forward.
Welt am Sonntag: Would you call that way of thinking Anti-Semitic, the way Grass put it in words?
Netanyahu: There is something very deep there, because it’s not the normal criticism of Israel. Of course Israel is subject to criticism. Let me say this as the prime minister of Israel: I’d like to see an hour pass by, how about a minute pass by, without some criticism being voiced against Israel, not only outside Israel but inside Israel.This is an open society, criticism is our way of life. This is not the point. But this touches on the basic reversal of the truth. And coming from someone with Grass’ stature in Germany is very upsetting, very disconcerting. Now the question is: do people accept this or not?People have to respond to this. A lot of Jews ask themselves: ,If I had been in the Holocaust, how would I have acted? What would I have done? Would I have responded? Would I have organized to save ourselves?’ Every Jew asks himself this question.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Blank Page News
In the early hours of Monday morning, the baby's Palestinian mother made her way to the border crossing while carrying her sick daughter in order to ask the soldiers for help.
A soldier who was on guard duty, noticing the mother's distress, immediately called the battalion's physician, Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Michael Findlar.
"The baby suffered from severe respiratory distress and was vomiting," said the military physician.
"We immediately began administering first aid and stabilized her condition.
"While several of us were treating the baby, another soldier called an ambulance in order to evacuate her to the Ramallah hospital," he said.
According to Dr. Findlar, this was not the first incident of its kind. He said local Palestinians realize they are better off turning to IDF soldiers during a medical emergency.
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thank you, Madame President. Let me begin by thanking you, personally, for your outstanding leadership of the Security Council this month.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Clampdown on Palestinian media spreads to the Web
But I wouldn't be holding my breath ...
The Palestinian Authority has quietly instructed Internet providers to block access to news websites whose reporting is critical of President Mahmoud Abbas, according to senior government officials and data analyzed by network security experts.
Imagine what a certain daily broadsheet in Melbourne would be saying if it was Israel that was clamping down on the media in this way.
Hat tip: Challah hu akbar
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
JERUSALEM - (AP) -- A Hamas leader said Thursday that if his militant group came to power in a future Palestinian state, it would not abide by any previous Palestinian peace deals with Israel.
Moussa Abu Marzouk, the Islamic militant group's number two figure, said any potential deal between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, even if ratified in a Palestinian referendum, would be considered only as a temporary truce.
"We will not recognize Israel as a state," he told the Jewish Daily Forward, a Jewish-American newspaper in an interview published Thursday. It was the first such interview by a senior Hamas leader to a Jewish publication. Israeli newspapers reported it on Friday.
Well that's it then. If Hamas in the process of forming a unity government with Mahmoud Abbas' Palestine Authority (yes, it is a slow process), we now can fully expect tomorrow's Age to fully explain to its readers that this means no credible Palestinian leadership accepts the concept of a full and lasting peace agreement with Israel. We can expect all of the pundits on the ABC, SBS, Crikey et all to now finally lay rest to the fiction that Israel is standing in the way of peace in this long lasting conflict.
As if they well ... and as if we haven't known about this for a long, long time.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
The hatred of the British chattering classes
... the avoidance of Israel and all its ideas and wares has become a weird way of life for some people, where the aim isn’t to achieve tangible political goals but rather an inner sensation of super moral smugness.
The sun has well and truly set on that empire.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
The real story
Friday, April 20, 2012
Criticism not Racism
THE strong reaction to the Gunter Grass poem illustrates the very point he makes, that it has become impossible to criticise Israel without being labelled anti-Semitic ("What must be said remains unspeakable", Opinion, 19/4). There is nothing anti-Semitic about proposing a nuclear-free Middle East, and there is nothing anti-Semitic about calling for an end to Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian territory.
Tom Griffiths, Ascot Vale
Allow me to suggest that Mr. Griffiths most likely didn't even take the time to read or digest the excellent Op Ed What must be said remains unspeakable by Nick Dyrenfurth about which he is ostensibly commenting in his letter. Had he done so, he would have understood the difference between valid criticism and the racist anti-Jewish sentiment underpinning Gunther Grass' very ordinary piece of poetry and why Griffiths' own pithy little effort is so shameful.
Thursday, April 19, 2012

This is the one day in the year when we make a special effort to remember the Shoach - Yom HaShoah or Holocaust Remembrance Day - we remember the six million Jews and many others murdered by the Nazis.
This is a time for reflection; to remember the victims, to respect the dwindling number of survivors. A time also to wonder at the inhumanity of those who committed one of mankind's greatest atrocities.
Despite growing levels of hatred toward the Jewish people in some parts of the world, the day is marked by most with decency and respectfulness in this country.
A glaring exception has been on an obscure Adelaide radio station whose host Tim Brunero spoke to "journalist, author and blogger, Antony Loewenstein, to find out what this day means for the Jewish people."
Why not ask a Klansman what Martin Luther King Day means to the black people of the United States?
This is what Loewenstein's cousin Ronald Green posted to the station about the obscenity of discussing this day with such a person who had no qualms about using this solemn occasion as an opportunity to attack Israel, a haven for persecuted Jews everywhere, and the Jewish people:
I find it somewhat strange that of all people to represent the Jewish people, Radio Adelaide chose Antony Loewenstein, known for his extreme views on all things Jewish and his constant anti-Israel diatribes. Loewenstein, albeit the son of German Jews, has no background of Jewish history, ethics and practices, while, for reasons unknown, has made it his life's work to denigrate "the Jewish lobby" and Israel. I have some insight, since I am Loewenstein's cousin and hosted him inIsrael when he ostensibly "researched" his book. It was then that I became privy to his abysmal dearth of knowledge of history; not only of Jewish history, but of the Middle East and Islam. His bias was clear from the fact that he spent almost all of his time in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, interviewing local residents who justified his own already-formed opinions. For Radio Adelaide to have Loewenstein to talk about Yom HaShoah is not only a travesty, but is an insult to the memory of those to whom this day is dedicated.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Flytilla Fail
And here's a specimen left by these so-called "peaceniks" which sums up their mentality and their real intentions:-

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
The German robbed Cossack
Sarah Honig's stunning response - The German robbed Cossack
Grass is extraordinarily true to form.
Indeed, he already gets star-billing on a host of Judeophobic websites, which celebrate him as yet another upstanding and righteous critic of Israel, an honorable observer pilloried as an anti-Semite in order to suppress his heartfelt outcry.
Thus Grass becomes the ultimate robbed Cossack in a rationalized German adaptation of the infamous Russian tradition. Anti-Semites – whether they specialized in mere pogroms or outright Holocausts – habitually portrayed themselves as the aggrieved side.
Robbed Cossack Grass actually volunteered for the barbarous Waffen-SS (branded a “criminal organization” at the Nuremberg Trials). But what of it?
He has put it all behind him, wiped his own slate clean and now feels empowered to launch anti-Jewish diatribes at will. Professing to have propelled himself to a loftier leftist plane, he can reproach the Jews and, like Tolstoy before him, demand they do nothing to defend themselves.
If they do, they become, in Grass’s idiom, “the greatest danger to the world.” It’s Israel that threatens Iran and not vice versa. By his criteria, our forebears threatened Egypt’s pharaohs, the Amalekites, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, Haman’s Persians, Greeks, Romans, Crusader marauders, Muslim conquistadors, Spanish inquisitors, Chmielnicki’s Ukrainian mass-murderers, Russian pogromchiks, to say nothing of the Germans, whose fuehrer always screamed hysterically about the danger posed to the world by “the forces of International Judaism,” compelling him to formulate a “final solution” to their problem.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Jenin - Ten Years Since Something That Never Happened - A Learning Moment for the Guardian
The spearheads of these vicious attacks were the Guardian, The Independent and, of course, the BBC. Our own Melbourne Age was hardly any better. So-called "journalists" barred from the theatre of action picked up on lies by Palestinian spokespeople who falsely accused the IDF of a massacre of more than 500 civilians. When the truth came out that no more than a dozen Palestinian civilians died during the operation (some in buildings booby trapped by the terrorists), the Guardian, which had shamefully accused Israel of massacres and war crimes, even more shamefully failed to publish an apology for its disgracefully mendacious journalism.
This article by a Harry's Place contributor was submitted and rejected by the editors of the Guardian's Comment is Free which comes as no surprise at all given that even ten years after it demonstrated the journalistic ethics of the sewer, the Guardian still will not face up to the fact that one of its opinion writers can't see antiSemitism even when confronted with it face to face. The title to the article says it all -Jenin - Ten Years Since Something That Never Happened - A Learning Moment for The Guardian.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
A Selection of Stories the Age didn't cover this week
Saturday, April 14, 2012
I bet you're a Protestant
As a result of the revelation, the nasties have come out of the woodwork.
The fall-out has been quite spectacular. I've been called everything from a Protestant to an agent of Mossad. Letters to the editor have been flying in since, like rockets from the Strip. But, unlike the rockets from Gaza, not all the letters have been sent with spleen.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Today's Tweet
From Challah Hu Akbar
Challah: Egyptian Authorities Intercept 25,000 Sexual Stimulant Pills Headed for Gaza: In previous post,... #Israel
I wonder if the intended recipients have honourable intentions towards the participants of the next floptilla?
Leading figures of the British stage have strongly denounced calls for Israel's national theatre company, Habima, to be removed from the line-up of the Globe to Globe Shakespeare Festival for political reasons.
Playwright Sir Arnold Wesker, and actors Steven Berkoff and Maureen Lipman, have suggested that the attempt to block Israeli actors from performing The Merchant of Venice for the Cultural Olympiad is tantamount to Nazi-era book-burning.
Which fits in with my understanding of the haters who are urging on this disgraceful boycott.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
London riots: furnature store arsonist jailed
Matthew Taylor in London
April 12, 2012Read more:
A Saudi human rights group voiced alarm on Tuesday about the health of one of its members, who has been on hunger strike for almost a month and who stopped drinking water at the weekend.
The Melbourne Age which is so concerned about bringing to the attention of its readers the stories of suspected Palestinian terrorists on hunger strikes will no doubt take up his cause with a concerted attack on the Saudi legal system ... any day now ... I'm sure.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
A decade later a monster walks the streets
"We" are losing. Terrorists are winning. They are driven by a diseased religious viewpoint.
"They will blow up their own children as long as they can exact a price from the hated enemy," Roth says.
"They will send pregnant women into hospitals in order to blow them up without any regard for what this means on a moral level of human decency.
"There's a decline in the morality of the actors. And a very, very substantial escalation in the destructiveness of the tools that are available to people who think like that."
In a world of Emma Thompsons and Gunther Grasses, it's refreshing to read words written and told by people who still have a moral compass.
• Islamic Jihad Celebrates Kfar Darom Bus Attack (1995) #Israel #gaza #terrorism #palestinians #israel #hamas
• Fayyad calls on Quartet to denounce Israeli violence
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
What the Age shamefully failed to tell its readers at Easter
Arab Christians are being driven from places where they have lived peacefully for centuries
"When I visited the then-mayor of Bethlehem, Elias Freij, about 30 years ago, he happily boasted that about three quarters of the population of his town, the birthplace of Christianity, was Christian. Today, after a reign of terror which included land theft, intimidation and beatings by recently arrived Islamic extremists, the figure is estimated to be down to 10 per cent. The Christians of Bethlehem, under pressure from the new Muslim majority, are quietly finding new homes wherever émigrés are permitted safer havens.
"Bethlehem is a microcosm of a phenomenon that is evident throughout the Palestinian territories. Against a drumbeat of harassment, which has included calls by Muslim extremists to slaughter their Christian neighbours, half of the Palestinian Christians of Gaza have fled their homes since the Hamas putsch in 2007. In the West Bank, Christians, who once accounted for 15 per cent of the population, are now down to less than 2 per cent.
"It should be noted that since the establishment of Israel — the only state in the region to guarantee freedom of worship to all faiths and the only state to have outlawed racism — the Arab Christian population has increased by an estimated 2,000 per cent.
"Never mind the ‘Israeli apartheid’ myths that flourish on Britain’s university campuses. What intrigues me is why Britain’s political and media classes, normally so sensitive to humanitarian issues, turn away in the face of the very real apartheid-style oppression that persists in the Arab world; why they remain silent as Christians are persecuted and the UN Human Rights Council, which last month endorsed the human rights record of Libya’s late Muammar Gaddafi, peddles its bizarre nonsense."
Monday, April 09, 2012
The boycotters comprise some real nasties including Caryl Churchill, a playwright best known for his seven minute antiSemitic rant "Seven Jewish Children", has beens Alexei Sayle and Emma Thompson and never was Miriam Margolyes, better known for telling fart jokes to Graham Norton.
In today's Australian (Letter from the Heart) Howard Jacobson strikes back at this hateful scourge:-
"an equally passionate counter-attack. Jacobson, winner of the 2010 Man Booker prize for his comic novel The Finkler Question, about what it means to be Jewish, said artistic critics were wrong. Writing for the Observer, below,he said: "If there is one justification for art... it is that it proceeds from, and addresses, our unaligned humanity. Whoever would go to art with a mind made up on any subject misses the point of what art is for."
Would someone please remind me if and when one of the signatories is next due to appear at the Globe (shouldn't they be boycotting it now) to write a letter to the Guardian demanding to know why the Globe is allowing antiSemites to appear on its stage?
Sunday, April 08, 2012
Saturday, April 07, 2012
The facts about entry permits were available here if Pollard wanted to tell both sides of the story - Israel’s US envoy rejects ‘libelous’ article on Palestinian Christians’ access to Jerusalem.
The rest of the year Fairfax ignores why the Christian population under Hamas and the PA is declining and why the numbers in that region are growing only in Israel.
Telling all of the facts might be of service to Christians in the region but I suspect that would be too much to expect from Fairfax Media.
Friday, April 06, 2012
Thursday, April 05, 2012
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
"We must make clear to the world that David in the Hebrew Bible is not connected to David in the Quran, Solomon in the Hebrew Bible is not connected to Solomon in the Quran, and neither is Saul or Joshua son of Nun [of the Bible]... This is our logic and this is our culture." [PA TV (Fatah), Feb. 15, 2012]
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
'I do not make stories up,' says an embattled Robert Fisk
A little mystery involving Robert Fisk
Monday, April 02, 2012
Child victims of Hamas created fuel crisis
Unless the usual suspects can find a way to blame Israel for the fire then this story will die its natural death.
Hat tip: elderofziyon
Sunday, April 01, 2012
Another day another Palestinian stunt

The latest Palestinian publicity stunt in the war of hatred against Israel was last Friday's Million Man Global March on Jerusalem organised by the usual suspects included racist BDS liar Mustafa Barghoti. The mad march coincided with Palestinian Land Day.
They thought they might get millions marching on Jerusalem but they managed a minute fraction of that. The world yawned as these idiots tried damn hard to attract attention around the world but the world is getting bored with their antics.
Among the highlights were:-
- clashes erupting in the north of Jerusalem between Israel Defense Force soldiers and some 250 Palestinian protesters marking Land Day;
- Protesters at the Qalandiyah checkpoint hurled rocks at soldiers, who responded with stun grenades and tear gas;
- more people participated in the Tel-Aviv marathon than were rioters at Israel's borders;
- there were also clashes in Qalandiyah between various Palestinian factions. Mustafa Barghouti was injured and the ambulance that evicted him was stoned by Fateh supporters. True to form, Barghouti tried to blame the IDF but pro-Palestinian sources called him on this and the fact that he tried to suppress the news of the deceit (don't worry Mustafa, the Age won't publish the stroty anyway;