Israel cannot depend for its survival on pieces of paper
signed by dictators.
How often do free peoples need to be taught that lesson?
Amid Mideast turmoil, UN chastises Israel
Israel cannot depend for its survival on pieces of paper
signed by dictators.
How often do free peoples need to be taught that lesson?
After nearly four years of Hamas rule, the Gaza Strip's small secular community is in tatters, decimated by the militant group's campaign to impose its strict version of Islam in the coastal territory.
Paul McGeough in The Sydney Morning Herald yesterday:Of course, the Obama Administration believes such action in the UN would be counterproductive to genuine attempts to bring a peaceful resolution to the conflict between Israel and its Arab neighbours. One has to ask how many times during Israel's 10 month settlement freeze that operated through most of 2010 did McGeough and people of his ilk condemn the PA for not taking up the opportunity to negotiate with Israel and how many times did they excoriate the Hamas regime in Gaza for continually preaching genocide against the Jews?
While upheaval continues in the Middle East, the idea that the Obama administration was more concerned about its strategic interests than the human rights of more than 300 million Arabs was confirmed when Washington torpedoed a UN Security Council resolution against Israeli settlement-building in occupied Palestinian territory.
Anne Bayefsky on Pajamas Media on February 18:
The spectacle of the UN Security Council engaged in one more Israel-bashing exercise, while the Iranian and Arab world burns, is a stark example of the organisation's moral turpitude and irrelevance for the 21st century. Iranians are rioting today against a vicious government that stones women for alleged adultery, murders homosexuals for the crime of existing, amputates limbs by judicial decree, brutalises anyone wanting free speech, and is currently holding two Americans hostage for hiking.
Is there a security council resolution in the works on the dying and the dead in Iran? Bahrain? Libya? Tunisia? Egypt? Algeria? Not the slightest possibility. The only thing on the table at the UN is a statement that it is illegal for any Jew to live on any land that is claimed by Palestinian Arabs.
It's very revealing that Palestine has become less important for Arabs and of the utmost symbolic importance for Western radicals at exactly the same time. With the Palestinian people somewhat deflated, the Palestine issue can become perfect political fodder for the victim-oriented, fancy-dress radicals of the modern West.
"I’ve had residents say to me, 'what the hell are you doing? What’s it got to do with you? You can’t even cut my grass, trim my trees, so how are you going to help this issue, which has been going on for over 100 years?'" Cr Macri said.
You can preach to me all you want about the great Jewish tradition of self-criticism -- which I believe in -- but right now, when I see poor Arab souls being murdered for the simple act of protesting on the street, I've never felt more proud of being a supporter of the Jewish state.
Your February 4 editorial states that the US ignored Palestinian election results when Hamas won (with 44% of the vote to Fatah’s 41%), and continued to recognise Fatah. The reality was considerably more complex. Mahmoud Abbas, from Fatah, was still the legitimate president as the result of a separate election, and the division of power between the President and Parliament in the Palestinian Authority is unclear. The US had only agreed to establish relations with Fatah when it agreed to renounce violence and accept Israel’s right to exist. The Hamas government was offered relations on the same preconditions but repeatedly refused. Finally, it was not just the US that withheld relations with the Hamas government on that basis, but the Quartet, consisting of the US, European Union, Russia and the UN.
Hamas may have won the election, but it has shown by its subsequent conduct that it is anything but democratic or concerned with human rights. A major concern with Egypt, which should not be downplayed, is that if the Muslim Brotherhood, which spawned Hamas, takes power, even by democratic means, the result will be the same.
Get it? Fairfax and its "star" reporter really do have a hide.
SMH star journo Paul McGeough sees the bright side of terrorists taking over in the Middle East.
Targeting terrorists? Treason. Paul McGeough in The Sydney Morning Herald , January 27:
THE level of guidance and direction from the West in the West Bank and the extent of the collaboration between Abbas's Palestinian Authority and the Israeli defence and intelligence establishment is extraordinary. In any other country, the weaker half of the body politic teaming up with powerful foreign forces and the government of the country that occupies its land would be seen as treason.
What's wrong with Islamists? McGeough in the SMH , January 29:
BY current American thinking it would never do to have Islamists in power in the Palestinian Occupied Territories or in Lebanon and therefore they heed every despot's warning that the Islamists are waiting in the wings across North Africa and the Middle East.
McGeough in The New York Times , April 12, 2009:
OVER the long term, Hamas accepts the concept of two states in the Levant, which arguably puts Mr Mishal's terrorist movement closer to Washington than Mr Netanyahu is -- he now proposes only "economic peace" between Jews and
Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas) video clip, December 3, 2010
ALLAH, oh our Lord, vanquish Your enemies, enemies of the religion [Islam] in all places. Allah, strike the Jews and their sympathisers, the Christians and their supporters, the communists and their adherents. Allah, count them and kill them to the last one, and don't leave even one.