Monday, September 20, 2010

Some Peace Partner

While some in the media ramble on ad nauseum about Israel's peace intentions (notwithstanding that its PM Benjamin Netanyahu was calling for direct talks for months while PA leader Mahmoud Abbas dithered and refused to take part), here's an interesting piece from Palestine Media Watch - PLO ambassador in Lebanon: Peace talks are stage in delegitimizing "rebellious, racist" Israel
The Palestinian Authority official daily reported that the Ambassador Abdullah Abdullah described the peace talks as part of a broader process to isolate Israel, "threaten its legitimacy" and present it as a "rebellious, racist state."

Meanwhile this truth about the Palestinian leadership and the way it is letting down its own people continues more or less unreported.

Except in the Blank Pages of the Age.


Anonymous said...

The Palestinians want to live in peace with the Jews as much as the Muslims wish live with Non Muslims every where else..

Paddy Hugh said...

as much as the Muslims wish live with Non Muslims every where else..

Well, since we have absolutely no clear idea on how much that really is, we can only go by the evidence.

The evidence says that Palestinian leaders want no peace with Israel, and have said so for the past 62 years.

We certainly won't know from reading TIME magazine.

Anonymous said...

We certainly won't know from reading TIME magazine.


Anonymous said...

Great post, I am almost 100% in agreement with you