The United Nations Human Rights Council has predictably issued a report saying that Israeli forces violated international law when they raided a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, killing nine activists, earlier this year. UN Human Rights Council: Israel flotilla raid broke international law.
I would not have expected this body to come to any different finding given its bias and the corrupt manner in which such investigations are organised and carried out.
Arab Israeli MK Hanin Zuabi (Balad), who was on board the Mavi Marmara, praised the UN Human Rights Council's report. He wants "the criminals" behind the deaths brought to justice.
I agree with him. They should arrest the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the IHH thugs involved in the violent attack against the IDF members who boarded the Marvi Marmara but were clearly not armed or prepared for what took place on the day.
And if you don't believe me then there's this book written by a Turkish journalist Şefik Dinç who took part in the Mavi Marmara flotilla and who describes the preparations made by the IHH for confrontation with the IDF and the violence exercised by that organization’s operatives as photographed and documented in the book.
Does anyone know if Paul McGeough is conversant in the Turkish language?
I'm thinking of sending him a copy of Dinç's book as a belated April Fool's Day gift. For those who can't read Turkish, the narrative under the photograph above reads:-
Several exercises were held on board the ship to prepare in advance for a possible attack. In one exercise, the passengers were instructed on how to put on gas masks and lifebelts, and how to resist the Israeli attack. The photograph shows one of the passengers practicing with a slingshot he had brought along.
If McGeough can't read it maybe his Pal gf can read it for him.
why not get Age journo Maher Mughrabi who sits on the Age foreign news desk to translate for McGeough.
Paul McGeough Has an American Pali activist girlfriend. You really think he cares about truth? This is someone who called the Israeli soldiers who boarded the MM "hyenas". He's quite happy to dehumanise Israelis but was miffed at the prospect of never being able to travel to Israel again. Just another egotistical professional (snip) thinking with his ...er, nether regions. He deserves freedom of movement, you see, but Israelis don't deserve to defend themselves or live freely in their own country. Thanks for the book ref. It's on my list!
& Jason Koutsoukis supposedly has a Israeli left wing Activist Girlfriend, I guess they all meet up for drinks at the local Mosque...
[ water of course]
Arab Israeli MK Hanin Zuabi (Balad), who was on board the Mavi Marmara, praised the UN Human Rights Council's report. He wants "the criminals" behind the deaths brought to justice.
I agree with him.
Hanin Zuabi is a woman. So much for your superior powers of research.
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