Friday, September 17, 2010


RENT-A-JEW is pleased to announce that it can supply a self loathing Jew for functions even (correction "especially") if they take place during the Jewish High Holydays. We are supplying a number of our most loathesome models for the BDS Conference taking place on Yom Kippur (when else?) so please get your order in early.

Hat Tip: Australian Christians Supporting Israel


Paddy Hugh said...

Sorry to be a pedant, Wilbur. It's
Australian Christians Supporting Israel. Thanks for posting this!

I hear Ant Low is having a two for one sale. Something about being stuck for work.

Wilbur Post said...

Apologies Paddy.

Will fix this up straight away.


PS I didn't think Ant Low had two of anything (with the exception of the dummies he had as a young kid and which he still spits on the odd occasion).

Paddy Hugh said...

I should pop in a disclaimer that this graphic was not actually penned by ACSI. Somebody thought you'd like it. Thanks again for the link.

I expected the BDS people would use Yom Kippur to have a long hard look at themselves. Clearly that was optimistic.