Thursday, July 05, 2012


It came as no surprise to me that the Age would today run with a six year old conspiracy theory conveniently drummed out by Al Jazeera about former Palestine Authority leader Yasser Arafat (a man with more of his own people's blood on his hands than anyone else) - Arafat poisoned claim

No surprise because the cause is in trouble and, heaven forbid that the Age should publish contemporary stories about the strife in the West Bank and Gaza and the repression of the Palestinian people by the PA and Hamas thugs who rule them in those places. Stories like this week's attacks on protesters in Ramallah by uniformed and plain clothes Palestinian security forces as reported here.

No, I wasn't surprised at the conspiracy story or the fact that the Age report missed the most amusing part, namely the claim in an Al Jazeera interview by Arafat's billionairess widow Suha that the media in the United States and "all over" is "Jewish controlled."

I just wonder in awe as to why the supposedly "Jewish controlled" media goes to such great lengths to hide that sort of filthy racism and the overall incitement to genocide that's so prevalent in official Palestinian circles?

Why would they cover it up?

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