Monday, November 10, 2008


During the night of November 9-10, 1938, the Nazis unleashed the greatest pogrom against the Jews of Germany and Austria since the Middle Ages.

So begins the article POGROM A BLUEPRINT FOR TERROR by Michael Abrahams-Sprod in today's Australian Newspaper.

The writer points out that this pogrom "revealed to the world the savagery and barbarism of the Nazi regime, yet that fateful night also lays bare the hollowness of the world's indignation."

Seventy years after the event, the world still does not understand the depth of the horror that was visited on the Jewish people over the seven years that followed "The Night of Broken Glass" - Kristallnacht. We witness attempts by those who wish ill for the Jewish people today to suppress the viciousness of the savagery and the barbarism, to hide it and to make it meaningless.

The world should know what the Nazis did to the Jews - in full and with no excuses and no sickening false comparisons. To the extent that it does not know and does not seek to learn the horrors of the Holocaust, humanity is put to shame.


Anonymous said...

Tragically, among some of our worst enemies are people have the chutzpah to call themselves "Jews": people like Antony Loewenstein who wrote today that Hamas is "not terrorist" and who advocates the end of Israel as a Jewish state. Today, of all days, on the anniversary of The Night of Broken Glass.

What a disgraceful excuse for a human being.

Anonymous said...

Who better than the Arab's best friend Loewenstein who technically is a Jew to be called upon by Fairfax, ABC and SBS to put shit on the Jews and Israel...if the Arabs ever had the equivalent of Loewenstein that person would end up with a Fatwa over their head and would need 24 hour security..and would never be invited to wrote op- eds for Fairfax or invited as a regular guest speaker on ABC/SBS. I guess that's the difference between us and them .The very most Pro Zionist Jews will doin reaction to Loewenstein is write a letter to the Editor or respond on a blog site whilst the others will murder, behead, kidnap, blow up , intimidate and have all this behavior sanctioned by the 'left '