Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Exposing Idiots

A reader of the Australian, Michael Kellock, should be congratulated for his early nomination of Adrian Jackson of Middle Park, Victoria for the title of Idiot of the Year:
It's early days, but allow me to nominate Adrian Jackson's letter (Letters, 27-28/3) proposing that the AFP, the ADF and ASIS raid and search the Israeli embassy for forgery equipment as the loopiest letter of the year.

Michael Kellock, Foster, Vic

For those who didn't see the original, it's here:
BRITAIN is to be congratulated for expelling Israel's ambassador to London. Australia should now expel Israel's ambassador to Canberra. Further, the Israel embassy should be raided and searched by the AFP, the ADF and ASIS and any equipment used for criminal activity, like forging our passports, should be confiscated.

Adrian Jackson, Middle Park, Vic

I heard a claim that the noise of the Grand Prix can turn some people into imbeciles but Jackson's been there from before the running of the race began a little over a decade ago. He must have some other excuse.

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