Saturday, September 29, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
If ...
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Anatomy of a lie
Media outlets are only tempted to publish wild ideas about Jewish money, because they are readily believed within wider society. The longer this vicious circle continues, the more Jews will be forced into a corner, bound and trapped by the stereotypes which are readily thrust upon them.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
No offence, but if you aren't articulating a view I support I assume you're Jewish
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
ABC gives Pappé a forum for his fractured "facts"
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Senator SINODINOS (New South Wales) (15:57): I move:
That the Senate—
(a) notes that:
(i) Senator Rhiannon has acknowledged that some votes shifted away from the Greens in Marrickville in the New South Wales local government elections because of the boycott of Israel issue,
(ii) Marrickville Greens councillor, Ms Marika Kontellis, voted in 2011 to retain the Council's Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS) policy and in August 2012 attended the Byron Bay BDS conference,
(iii) the New South Wales Greens chose Mr Karel Solomon, a BDS advocate who has branded Israel an apartheid state, as a candidate for the Marrickville Council, and
(iv) Ms Irene Doutney, the Greens candidate for Sydney Lord Mayor, has supported BDS actions and said that she personally favours a full boycott of Israel;
(b) calls on the New South Wales Greens to explicitly reject the BDS policy; and
(c) condemns the BDS campaign.
I seek leave to make a short statement.
The ACTING DEPUTY PRESIDENT (Senator Mark Bishop): Leave is granted for one minute.
Senator SINODINOS: This motion addresses an issue which was important in New South Wales in the inner city of Sydney in the context of a campaign by Greens councillors to promote a boycotts, divestments and sanctions policy against the state of Israel. My reason for putting this motion up is that the results of the local government elections in New South Wales—
Senator Fierravanti-Wells: The overwhelming results!
Senator SINODINOS: The overwhelming results in New South Wales confirmed a backlash towards these sorts of campaigns. The point I want to make is: if we want to engage states, promote cooperation and peace on issues like the Middle East, the best approach is to engage the parties involved rather than to seek to isolate parties and make them appear to be the villains that they are not. I am therefore calling on the New South Wales Greens to explicitly reject the BDS policy and for the Senate to condemn the BDS campaign.
Senator MILNE (Tasmania—Leader of the Australian Greens) (15:58): I seek leave to make a short statement.
The ACTING DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Leave is granted for one minute.
Senator MILNE: The Australian Greens have always had a position of supporting a two-state solution. We support the aspirations and rights of the Palestinian people and the Israeli people to an 60 SENATE Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Anti-Semitism still a roadblock to peace
IT would be a hard heart that could not feel sympathy for Palestinian national aspirations, if the objective is the establishment of a state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel. Nonetheless, it remains a formidably difficult task to accommodate the competing interests of these two national movements in the tiny chunk of territory in question. (The size of Israel and the West Bank combined is only about one-ninth the area of Victoria).
However, that challenge is made even more daunting by the torrent of virulent anti-Semitism emanating from the Palestinian Authority and bodies it controls. These utterances should be deeply alarming to anyone with an even passing familiarity with where the worst excesses of dehumanising anti-Semitism can lead.
An organisation named Palestinian Media Watch does an outstanding job of bringing attention to what the PA and related organisations are saying in Arabic, as opposed to the usually more temperate comments made in English for the world outside the Middle East.
The views of this author would never get an airing in some other media outlets for the obvious reasons.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Nor would she be herself if she left out the part about the role of the Palestinian leadership and the various political groups within their society in perpetuating that occupation by concentrating on delegitimising Israel at every turn, something about which Pollard herself should be all too familiar.
Meanwhile, it came as no surprise to read this and to discover that there was no mention of the recent deaths of more than 400 Palestinian refugees at the hands of the Syrians or of the rockets fired at Israeli civilian targets by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza.
Little wonder the Palestinians are in crisis.
Sunday, September 09, 2012
Syrian troops storm Damascus refugee area, chase rebels
Hundreds of Palestinians killed in this conflict.
Blank page stuff.
Saturday, September 08, 2012
Friday, September 07, 2012
When Hanan Ashrawi won a peace prize from some nuff nuffs in Sydney some years ago, we were never really given any proof at all that she was deserving of such a prize. Instead, the anti-Israel elements involved with the award and a number of hangers on turned the whole thing around blaming the pro Israel Jewish lobby for all number of crimes and misdemeanours for simply having the chutzpah to question why this propagandist was being awarded a peace prize despite the fact that very little evidence existed to justify the award.
Several years have passed and Ashrawi has still not done a thing to justify the prize and of course, peace between Israel and Palestine seems more of a dream to some than it was then.
Meanwhile, Ashrawi is a member of the PLO Executive which honours suicide bombers by naming streets, city squares and football tournments after them, which slanders Israel and Jews at every opportunity and which spreads massive lies about Jewish ties to the land, to Jerusalem and which seeks to revise every aspect of the recent history of the region.
Palestinian journalist Khaled Abu Toameh has noted Ashrawi's latest attempt to revise history by claiming that there were no Jewish refugees from Arab lands in the last century but rather that they came to Israel volunatarily "pressured by Zionist groups." - No such thing as Jewish refugees.
This is yet another lie from the pen of the person who we know is a serial liar but who receives special protection from many who are as culpable as she is for the sad state in which the Palestinian people find themselves in. Here is what David Harris had to say about Ashrawi's claims - Hanan Ashrawi Is to Truth What Smoking Is to Health.
Ashrawi does what she does because she knows she can get away with her lies. She knows this because the people who award her peace prizes and those who write poisonous propaganda in some of what were once the world's leading newspapers allow this to happen because their hatred of Israel and its people are as deep as hers.
Hanan Ashrawi Is to Truth What Smoking Is to Health
Thursday, September 06, 2012
I'm sure they must have set sail together with those independent journalists and upholders of the truth who usually travel in such convoys.
Surely this mob want to stop the bloodshed of innocents including the 400 Palestinian victims who have died since the massacres began more than 12 months ago?
Where Is the Flotilla for Syria? by Ron Prosor
The fleets of flotillas, ferries, yachts, sailboats, canoes and catamarans that have set sail for Gaza in recent years rival the size of the Spanish Armada. Yet one might argue that humanitarian flotillas are needed just a bit more urgently in Syria, where more civilians have been murdered by the Assad regime than those killed during Japan's 2011 earthquake and tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and 9/11 combined.
The conflict in Syria has also claimed roughly four times as many victims in the past 20 months as were killed in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict over the past 20 years. The residents of Gaza continue to enjoy more international assistance than virtually any other population on the planet, but almost no aid is reaching the two million people displaced within Syria.
The flotilla crowd prefers to protest Israel's legitimate defense against the terrorists who target its citizens and fire thousands of rockets into its cities.Israel's democratic institutions, civil society and independent media offer a wealth of easily accessible information that these "human-rights activists" use to attack Israel. With more reporters and human-rights activists per capita than anywhere else on the planet, we understand deeply the invaluable role of civil society, even though its institutions can sometimes be used and abused by those with the most radical of agendas.
Just this May, the British activist group Viva Palestina enjoyed the hospitality of Bashar Assad. Around the same time that Assad's thugs were gearing up for their massacre of children in Houla, members of Viva Palestina were proudly tweeting their whereabouts and posting photos on Facebook of themselves next to the regime's representatives. Instead of dancing with dictators, what if the flotilla crowd actually set sail in the direction where aid is so desperately needed?
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Quiz on haters
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Monday, September 03, 2012
Where is the condemnation of the Iranian leader's hate speech against Israel?
Will the important story of how so many world leaders kow tow to the abominable psychopaths who rule this country be told in our newspapers?
Sunday, September 02, 2012
I will not be bullied
Congratulations to the owner of shoe retailer "Children of the Revolution" Sally McGregor who told the Australian that the thugs from an organisation called "Justice for Palestine" had occupied her store until told to leave by police.
"I will not be bullied," she said.
Shop targeted for daring to sell Israeli shoes targeted for daring to sell Israeli shoes