Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Last week I reported on the efforts of IAJV court jester Michael Brull in providing his own inane brand of commentary on the Jewish community's reaction to the jailing of "Edward Einfeld (sic) - CLASS ACT. Brull's entry was subsequently sent into the ether when someone at the IAJV presumably discovered that he was confusing Edward Einfeld with Jerry Seinfeld or perhaps it was Marcus Einfeld.

Believe it or not, Brull's hateful rants against Israel are receiving oxygen over at The New Matilda where there's ample material to demonstrate his eminent qualifications to take out our April Fool award for 2009.

His piece when is an Anti-Semite not an Anti-Semite is too vulgar for words and is a typical example of the smoke and mirrors obfuscation we've come to expect from the IAJV crowd. The comments of one of the New Matilda contributors sum it up well:

It is not anti-Semitic to criticise Israel and i’ve never heard a mainstream Jewish leader say that it is. If it were anti-Semitic to criticise Israel than the most anti-Semitic country in the world would be Israel. However it is discriminatory to take actions out of context, hold Israel to a higher standard than other nations or to demand the dismantling of Zionism without demanding the dismantling of any other nationalist aspirations be they ethnic or religious. It is discriminatory to demand an academic or economic boycott of Israel and not call for boycotts against any of the other major human rights abusers.

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