Monday, January 05, 2009


Two articles from The Jerusalem Post help give clarity to the events in Gaza. One is by veteran journalist Amotz Asa El entitled The Truth About Gaza:

"... no military surprise, commando infiltration, aerial bombardment, armored flanking or infantry outflanking will make Gaza fade or its wrath vanish. Only the constant sight of the Jews across the border building, planting, multiplying and fending off enemies will eventually make them realize that the civilization with which they have chosen to clash also knows a thing or two about stubbornness, and that the nation with whom they picked a fight is the one that God Himself called stiff-necked."

And veteran jurist Alan M Dershowitz in Israel's actions are lawful and commendable not only explains the legality of what Israel is doing in Gaza but exposes the double standards of many commentators who misuse terms such as "proportionality" in attacking the manner in which it is defending its citizens against a regime that is bent on genocide.

Another discernible double standard in the manner of reporting of the conflict is the use of Palestinian sources to establish the number of so-called "civilian" casualties in the conflict. A report filed late last night in one newspaper's on line edition claimed that 17 of the 21 Palestinian dead were civilians (according to Palestinian sources). The report has since been changed and rightly so in view of the fact that most media sources were aware that most of the casualties were indeed, aremd Hamas gunmen. In the fog of war, it's hard for the truth to get out.

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