Tuesday, January 06, 2009


A Jerusalem Post report quotes Israeli defence officials who said yesterday that "it was likely that a number of senior Hamas operatives and terror chiefs were hiding and conducting their operations from within Shifa Hospital in Gaza City" - IDF cuts Gaza Strip in two as it readies expanded ground operation.

Thanks to blogger Yid With Lid who provided the above identikit photo of a suspected Hamas leader in the organisation's new uniform.

YWL is quite right in also pointing out that it is "easy for these cowards to fan the flames of hate, and kill Jewish and Palestinian children, while they hide out."

Meanwhile, a little more than 100 "Jewish" opponents of Israel's strike into Gaza, led by athiest Aussie anti-Zionist pinhead Antony Loewenstein, made a statement in today's Melbourne Age which, to me, reads very much like a declaration of support for Hamas from the desperate and ever dwindling IAJV movement.

And given Hamas' genocidal intention towards Jews (even useful tools like these idiots), this is an even stranger phenomenon than the sight of the Hamas leadership nursing patients at Gaza's Al Shifa hospital (for more snapshots see Camera Snapshots).


  1. Sincere apologies to Jamie Farr.

  2. Anonymous8:59 am

    The Hamas Covenant


  3. Anonymous9:32 am

    I don't get it. Two weeks ago Hamas introduced laws dictating amputations, torture, crucifixion, and death for crimes such as homosexuality.

    Now their leaders are dressing as women.

    Go figure?


  4. Anonymous5:18 pm

    "Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar exhorted Palestinians to fight the Israeli forces and target Israeli civilians and Jews abroad." - China Post

    I assume

    (a) this means target IAJV types as well, and

    (b) the Age will leave this one alone.
