Thursday, May 26, 2011


I get tears in my eyes on the rare occasion when I have to peel onions and similarly I sometimes cry with laughter when I read The Onion which is a satirical website which takes the piss out of anything and everything including world politics.

An example of the work of the good folk at The Onion is this - Government Official Who Makes Perfectly Valid, Well-Reasoned Point Against Israel Forced To Resign

Whether or not people think it's clever or funny, most would recognise it for what it is - a sarcastic piece on the operation of the political system. However, the irony was totally lost on Australia's iconic village idiot who blogged the story believing it to be true - US Moderation Towards Palestinians Not Tolerated.

I laughed until I cried.

Hat tip: RWDB - Experienced reporter mistakes Onion satire for real news


  1. Bagel Eater10:00 am

    Loewenstein might be an ignoramus but the ABC, the Age and Crikey will continue to treat the court jester as a man of savvy and importance when it comes to his knowledge of the politics of the Middle East.

  2. Anonymous12:03 pm

    The Palestinian,Arab, Muslim, Socialist, Anti Zionist, Anti Semetic, SHJ, lobby is alive and well and fully supported by Fairfax, SBS and ABC...


  3. Anonymous5:26 pm

    What an absolute dick!

  4. Anonymous5:52 pm

    Mummy and Daddy will be proud.
