Sunday, August 30, 2009


Kudos to the director of Melbourne University's Jewish Studies Centre, Dr Dvir Abramovich for his opinion piece in today's Sunday Age - THERE ARE AS MANY JEWISH OPINIONS AS THERE ARE JEWS. The article is a response to a series of mean spirited attacks on Jewish communal organisations and their leaderships - an occurence which attracted the attention of a gleeful Age editorship to continue its unrelenting attack on the Jews.

Abromovich sets the record straight -

There's nothing sensible about a blog that judges an entire community.

ANYONE with a passing knowledge of the Victorian Jewish community would be aware thatthere is no shortage of outlets for debate. By a crude estimation, there are annually more than 2000 events that are open, cater to every segment of the populace and explore every dimension of Jewish life.

Reading through the interview with the Sensible Jew (''The return of the Sensible Jew'', 23/8) and apiece in June (''Two women take on the 'swill' who speak loudest for Jews'', 7/6), I could hardly contain my bemusement. Alex Fein's evidence-light prosecutorial indictment of the entire Jewish community is riddled with grandiloquent contentions, distortions and omissions that fly in the face of objective reality.


  1. Anonymous6:24 pm

    Feins SensibleJew blog site has become a haven for followers of Loewenstein, left wing academics and now comedians!

    read this recent post from her blogsite.....

    Albert said
    August 30, 2009 at 2:39 pm

    The Age is well known to be pro Israeli, it rarely prints articles that are critical of Israel.


  2. Anonymous8:23 pm

    I'm not sure if the Sensible Jew blog had it all wrong.

    I'm non-Jewish but very pro-Israel, and I completely agree a lot of the left's anti-Israel stand is anti-Semitic.

    Yet most statements from Australian Jewish organisations seem very doctrinaire - they're not big on empathy with Palestinians.

    Just realise - your average newspaper reader opens the letters page and there's another letter from a Jewish organisation saying Israel has done nothing wrong.

  3. I'm not suggesting that the Sensible Jew got it all wrong. She just happens to be completely intolerant of any other views than her own and I would suggest is far more doctrinaire than your perception of Australian Jewish organisations.

    And it's not the Palestinians that most of them have a problem with but rather, the terror organisations which want to wipe out Israel and kill Jews no matter where they happen to be that are problematic.

    The other problem is that the supporters of those organisations just happen to have very little problem with accusing Israel of anything and everything under the sun without the slightest shred of evidence, causing most Jews and the organisations they belong to the need to respond to their garbage.

    The SJ thinks that hiring a PR guru would solve this. I don't think so.

  4. As a sensible Melbournian Jew living in Israel,I agree with Dr. Abramovich. Alex Fein's "take" on the sensible Jew should be renamed"Alex Fein's perception of a sensible Jew," because after all,she does not represent the diversity of Melbourne's Jewish community, but rather, herself and followers.A sensible Jew Alex??Hardly! More like the "insensitive Jew."

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