Friday, March 27, 2009



The Australian reported yesterday on the activities of Richard Falk, UN expert on Palestinian territories and 9/11
IN a report presented yesterday at the UN Human Rights Council, (Richard) Falk, the UN expert on the Palestinian territories, called for a probe to assess if the Israeli forces could differentiate between civilian and military targets in Gaza. "If it is not possible to do so, then launching the attacks is inherently unlawful, and would seem to constitute a war crime of the greatest magnitude under international law," he said.

Richard Falk in The Journal, November 9, 2008:

GIVEN the dark cloud of doubt that lingers over the official 9/11 narrative, why was the issue not even discussed during the many months of presidential campaigning? As far as I can tell, the real explanation is a widely shared fear of what sinister forces might lay beneath the unturned stones of a full investigation of 9/11. Ever since the assassinations in the 1960s of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, there has been waged a powerful campaign against conspiracy theory that has made anyone who dares question the official story to be branded as a kook or some kind of unhinged troublemaker. The persisting inability to resolve this controversy about 9/11 subtly taints the legitimacy of the American government. It can only be removed by a willingness, however belated, to reconstruct the truth of that day, and to reveal the story behind its prolonged suppression.

David Aaronovitch in The Times online, April 15, 2008:

IN my library of conspiriana are several books by the American theologian David Ray Griffin, intellectual guru of the "Bush blew up the twin towers movement". In a chapter written by Falk for Griffin's 9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out, the UN expert-official opines that part of the evidence that there was conspiracy is the very fact that so many people say there wasn't. Or, in intellectualese: "Momentous suspicious events bearing on the legitimacy of the process of governance in the US have been consistently shielded from mainstream inquiry by being reinscribed as the wild fantasies of 'conspiracy theorists' ... the management of suspicion is itself suspicious." As you can see, because I believe Falk, like Griffin, has taken leave of what remained of his senses, this column is now itself part of the sinister plot. I believe in the UN, but we all must stop regarding it as though it was some kind of moral arbiter, doing right in a world of wrong. Because, unfortunately, the term UN expert means neither good nor expert. It can mean warped and stupid.

Former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton on Fox News, July 15, 2008:

I THINK (Falk's beliefs are) fruitcake city, but among many delegations to the UN it's probably the conventional wisdom.

Falk is the nutcase the Melbourne Age cites as "UN expert" when he condemns Israel. His novel interpretation of international law as highlighted in the first quote above demonstrates the extent of his sheer stupidity. The interpretation in question only applies to Israel; others have every right to defend themselves against terrorists using civilians as human shields. The Palestinian cheerleaders at the Age also carry the same lack of insight and understanding of international law.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:36 pm

    I think it's time for one of those special cartoons from Leunig or Petty - you knoww the real racist shit while the Nazi from Iran's here to ensure his undying love for Al Age.
