Friday, February 20, 2009


More about the blind and toxic hatred of the extreme British Left for Jews from a man of the left named Nick Cohen (who is not yet a Jew!) - HATRED IS TURNING ME INTO A JEW.

"Today the old certainties have gone because there are two far-right movements: the white neo-Nazi parties that the Left still opposes; and the clerical fascists of radical Islam which, extraordinarily, the modern Left succours and indulges. I am not only talking about Ken Livingstone, George Galloway and their gruesome accomplices in the intelligentsia. Wider liberal society is almost as complicit. It does not applaud the Islamist far Right, but it will not condemn it either. From the broadcasters, through the liberal press, the Civil Service, the Metropolitan Police, the bench of bishops and the judiciary, antisemitism is no longer an unthinkable mental deformation. As long as the conspiracy theories of the counter-enlightenment come from ideologues with dark rather than white skins, nominally liberal men and women will not speak out.

"Fight back and you become a Jew, whether you are or not. Mark Lawson recently described an argument at the BBC over the corporation’s decision not to screen the charity appeal for Gaza. His furious colleague declared that the only reason Lawson supported the ban was because he was Jewish. Lawson had to tell him that he was, in fact, raised a Catholic."


  1. Anonymous3:15 pm

    " ... there are two far-right movements: the white neo-Nazi parties that the Left still opposes; and the clerical fascists of radical Islam which, extraordinarily, the modern Left succours and indulges."

    This might sound something of a paradox but, after seeing what goes on at their demonstrations and reading the foul smelling bile of the Independent correspondents in response to Howard Jacobson's article, I think Nick Cohen can add the modern Left to the list of far right movements.

  2. Anonymous9:12 pm

    the left are far more dangerous and causing more harm to Jews than the right is , sure the right wingers may spray paint anti s emetic graffiti on our synagogues but the left have aligned them selves with the Muslims and Arabs and control the media, academia, human rights, amnesty, UN and are the reason Jews must spend tens of millions of dollars each year in security to protect Jewish diaspora...
