Friday, February 13, 2009


THE International Criminal Court is to issue an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir over the alleged genocide in Darfur - Darfur deaths warrant on way.

Mr Bashir had "masterminded" a military campaign that "purposefully targeted civilians".

A protest march is not being organised for this Sunday at 2.00pm outside the steps of the State Library in Swanston Street, Melbourne. Annie Lennox is staying schtum, Sheik Hillaly and his new Jewish friend Ant are sticking fat, there's not a Greens Senator with hyphenated name to be seen and the Age is not publishing a scoreboard of deaths related to Bashir's handywork.

According to the UN, "300,000 people have died and more than 2.2 million have fled their homes since rebels in Darfur rose up against the Khartoum Government in February 2003. Sudan puts the death toll at 10,000."

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