Thursday, January 15, 2009

U.N. Agency That Runs School Hit in Gaza Employed Hamas and Islamic Jihad Members

OK. I know the source is Fox News and there might be some readers who might question Fox as a news source but this story has a strong ring of authenticity about it - U.N. Agency That Runs School Hit in Gaza Employed Hamas and Islamic Jihad Members.

"The United Nations agency that administers a school in Gaza where dozens of civilians were killed by Israeli mortar fire last week has admitted to employing terrorists to work at its Palestinian schools in the past, has no system in place to keep members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad off its payroll, and provides textbooks to children that contain hate speech and other incendiary information."

The report goes on to say:

In 2004, former UNRWA Commissioner-General Peter Hansen told the Canadian Broadcasting Company, "I am sure that there are Hamas members on the UNRWA payroll and I don't see that as a crime." He added, "We do not do political vetting and exclude people from one persuasion as against another."

It seems that UNRWA would like us to think that things are different these days because a "spokesman for UNRWA adamantly said that the agency is now free of terrorist connections."

Of course, the tooth fairy still works for UNRWA.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:03 pm

    Surely there must be some independent tribunal that can investigate UNRWA's assocation with terrorists?

    As it is Ging and Gunness shill for Hamas at every opportunity and their conduct and behaviour stinks to high heaven.

    If they are responsible for the safety of the Palestinian people, they are doing a poor job when they allow Hamas gunmen onto UN premises.
