Monday, January 12, 2009


After all that was made of last week's Gaza school incident in which some Hamas people and some Palestinians civilians were killed near and in a school, one would think this story from Haaretz would be attracting interest in all of the world's news outlets - WATCH: IDF uncovers booby-trapped school next to Gaza zoo (that's the zoo where Hamas Al Aksa TV teaches their young kiddies how too bash, taunt and otherwise molest zoo animals just for the fun of it).

"Israel Defense Forces troops this week uncovered a school in the Gaza Strip rigged by Hamas militants with a large amount of explosives."

Today's edition of Haaretz also carried this human interest story - Sources: Hamas leaders hiding in Israel-built Shifa Hospital basement.

"Senior Hamas officials in Gaza are hiding out in a "bunker" built by Israel, intelligence officials suspect: Many are believed to be in the basements of the Shifa Hospital complex in Gaza City, which was refurbished during Israel's occupation of the Gaza Strip."

That's the same hospital where those two Norwegian nuff nuffs from medicines sans etiqutte have been holding court with the pride of Gaza's journalists (mainly Hamas mouthpieces) producing a massive propagandafest so that Annie Lennox can feel good as she stumbles her way through incoherent rants in front of rabid Islamofascist lunatics who then get off invading and severely damaging a Starbucks franchise while calling on the Juices to be gassed.

Look away. There's nothing to see here.


  1. Feeling a bit angry today Wilbur?

  2. Yes, I must cool down.

  3. Yes Wilbur, that post lacked your normal pragmatic approach to the truth and had a tinge of anger. You have no right to do that whilst highlighting the savage, backwards, bloodthirsty Islamofascist brutality of Hamas and their ilk. If you're not careful, people might accuse you of hate speech, and that would be simply awful.

    Now if we say "Eurythmics were rubbish" that would probably be hate speech...
