Saturday, January 10, 2009


Norwegian doctors Eric Fosse, right and his colleague doctor Mads Gilbert ham it up in this Associated Press snapshot for an audience of reporters after arriving at the Egyptian border crossing terminal of Rafah from Gaza, where they had been working the media over there.

Doctor Mads the Norwegian activist who also apparently is medically qualified is now on tour and has arrived at Rafah after mooching around Gaza's Al Shifa Hospital like a bad smell. Augean Stables does quite a Fisking of the good doctor's latest work in CNN Steps in the Pallywood Doodoo: Heartrending footage Staged by Norwegian Doctors.

Further news is emerging that implicates these actors in an elaborate hoax. The so-called "freelance photographer" who filmed that staged hospital scene, Ashraf Mashharawi, has direct links with Hamas and doctors around the world are lining up expressing the opinion that the video is staged and that the "CPR" shown is an obvious fraud, for many reasons.

Judging by the Keystone Cops manner of care being given to Doctor Mads' patient by that efficient looking assistant, we should be left in no doubt as to why he's losing patients at an alarming rate.

Call in the Red Cross for heaven's sake!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:29 pm

    The Red Cross?

    Hamas and its sympathisers won't call the Red Cross to visit Gilad Shalit, why would they do it for their own poor suffering people?
