Wednesday, January 28, 2009


News of Hamas abuses during the Gaza War is slowly coming out as a reluctant media begins to realise that it can't avoid the truth about the fundamentalist terrorist organisation that has caused so much misery to the Palestinians under its control. In Spiegel On Line, Ulrike Putz reports from Gaza (Gaza in Ruins) on how Hamas used and abused its people by treating them as human shields. Jason Koutsoukis in the Age and the Sydney Morning Herald reported recently that Hamas tried to hijack ambulances during Gaza war (note that I use the SMH headline rather than that of the Age which came straight out of the Goebbels sub-editing handbook). Hamas has been stealing humanitarian aid meant for the people of Gaza and using it for its own purposes (and its UNRWA lapdog partners make no effort to condemn or investigate
the practice.

Now, the news of a Palestinian human rights activist and journalist who used to work for the Israeli human rights organization B'Tselem on charges of "collaboration" with Israel - Hamas executes former B'tselem field worker.

Hamas targets both Israeli and Palestinian civilians and yet many around the world still don't get it!

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