Tuesday, January 27, 2009


The International Federation of Journalists which, over the last month, has condemned Israel's "blockade" on journalists entering Gaza over the last month has also condemned Hamas for its threats and intimidation of journalists.

"The last month has been hell for journalists working in Gaza, "said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. "It is impossible to properly investigate the media situation in Gaza without considering the difficulties facing journalists, particularly because of the Hamas regime. It is clear that Hamas are no friends of media freedom and have been ruthless in their intimidation and manipulation of the media. The situation of journalists in Gaza was already intolerable without military activity and this latest conflict has not made it any better. The IFJ is particularly concerned by Hamas' attempts to interfere in the work of Palestinian journalists. Now that the violence has stopped, it is time for all sides, including Hamas, to allow journalists to work freely."

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