Wednesday, January 07, 2009


You wouldn't know about it if you read the Fairfax Press which now appears to be acting like a willing helper for the callous Hamas of using Palestinian civilians as pawns in their public relations warfare against Israel and the Jewish people, but thanks to the The Australian newspaper, readers are able to understand just the depths and the depravity of this terrorist organisation. John Lyons' bloodcurdling report [Hamas terror: every Jewish child now a target]should be compulsory reading for its cheerleaders over at Fairfax who continue to suppress any part of the role of Hamas in a litany of war crimes including its criminal use of Palestinian civilians inside Gaza's schools.

"Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar has warned that Jewish children are now legitimate targets, in a bloodcurdling precursor to tanks rolling into the Islamic militant stronghold of Khan Younis yesterday."

Just in case you didn't get it the first time, this beast is not talking about Israelis or Zionists. He's talking about Jews.

Jewish children anywhere.

The Australian also carries an Op Ed by New Republic editor Marty Peretz West must guarantee Gaza resolution in which he succinctly covers most of the major issues of this war in a nutshell including most of the salient issues that the Age refuses to cover when reporting on events from the region.


  1. Anonymous3:33 pm

    Today's Age cover story is about how the "Conservative's Bible fell for a Furphy".

    O ... K ...

    I still think it's better for people to fall for furphys alone than what the Age did todaywhen it:

    (a) it fell for the Hamas furphy over the school bombing and refused to even publish the word of Palestinian eyewitnesses who said they saw armed men shooting in the vicinity,

    (b) painted an untrue picture, and

    (c) suppressed the truth.


  2. Anonymous6:27 pm

    Congratulations to the Australian. A beacon of light among some really nasty, disgusting excuses for humanity. (Iris)
