Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Nestled away on page 2 of the print edition of the Age is this apology:-

APOLOGY (from The Age)

A column by Michael Backman, headlined "Israelis living high on US expense account" (BusinessDay 17.1.09) was published in error. The Age does not in any way endorse the views of the columnist, apologises for the distress the column caused to many readers, particularly in the Jewish community, and regrets publication of the column.


  1. Anonymous1:34 pm


  2. Anonymous5:52 pm

    The anti Israel culture at al' agge similar to ABC & SBS is far too deep to ever change no mater who the Editor is.
    We can see with their cartoonist who is a obsessive Palestinian activist he addressed the Pro Hamas rally In Melbourne last week and attends pro Palestinian functions with his cohort Burnside and MP Susan Ley.

    You have staff writers Muhgrabi and Aly and dozens of contributing journalists and writers like Backam who ad to A;l ' age frenzy of Zionist and in some cases Jew hatred .

    Can you imagine if any Opinion piece vilifying Islam Muslims or the poor poor Palestinains appeared in our Newspapers the publishers and Editors would fear for their lives, yet all they have to fear form the Jews is a few letters to the editors , how brave they they are!
