Saturday, January 17, 2009


The Age headline today screams out ISRAELI STRIKES KEEP CEASEFIRE AT BAY and Jason Koutsoukis' report from Jerusalem unquestionable places the onus for the delay in a ceasefire in the Gaza war on the Israelis - who else?

Meanwhile, over at Israel's left wing Haaretz newspaper, you get a clearer picture of the events as they're happening. I wonder what Mr. Koutsoukis and the Age sub editor responsible for the headline would make of this: HAMAS: WE WILL NOT ACCEPT ISRAEL'S GAZA CEASE-FIRE DEMANDS and this CABINET TO VOTE SATURDAY ON UNILATERAL GAZA TRUCE?

And does this information bear any interest to Age readers and is it of any relevance to the three weeks of battles between Israel and Hamas - PALESTINIAN SOURCES: 'IRAN UNIT' OF HAMAS HAS BEEN DESTROYED?

Blank pages stuff - swept under the carpet.

One assumes, Age readers don't need balanced reports of what's happening in the conflict.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:30 pm

    I'd say the Arab/Muslim community would be pretty happy with Fairfax coverage of the War.
