Thursday, December 25, 2008


The truth about Hamas is something you won't read about in many Western media outlets. The Melbourne Age, which publishes the grossest apologies for the thuggish Palestinian regime that rules in Gaza and prints letters suggesting that these people are the next best thing to a boy scout troupe, won't tell its readers following story - Hamas pushes for Sharia punishments.

"The Hamas parliament in the Gaza Strip voted in favor of a law allowing courts to mete out sentences in the spirit of Islam, the London-based Arab daily Al Hayat reported Wednesday.

"According to the bill, approved in its second reading and awaiting a third reading before the approval of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, as the Palestinian constitution demands, courts will be able to condemn offenders to a plethora of violent punitive measures in line with Sharia Law.

"Such punishments include whipping, severing hands, crucifixion and hanging. The bill reserves death sentences to people who negotiate with a foreign government "against Palestinian interests" and engage in any activity that can 'hurt Palestinian morale.'"

Yes, even crucifixion and at this time of year too!

But what more can you expect from a bunch of hoodlums that likes blaming it all on the Jews?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:45 am

    Read about this in the Age?

    No way!

    Hear from any human rights monitors?

    No way!
