Friday, August 01, 2008

A sick PR stunt ...

The Hamas Movement which controls Gaza makes no bones about where it stands in relation to Jews. It wants to destroy their state, replace it with an Islamic nation state and it wants to kill as many Jews as it can to achieve that aim. It's all there in its Covenant.

So you might want to ask why 83-year-old German-born Holocaust survivor, Hedy Epstein has joined Palestinian activist Michael Shaik in aiding the Hamas cause by hopping on a boat and joining 60 other so-called "peace activists" - Melbourne man's bid to run Israeli blockade.

Ms. Epstein is rather delusional if she thinks her involvement will aid the cause of peace or bring any relief to the masses of Gaza. The medical supplies her boat might bring into the Palestinian territory will amount to a fraction of the aid supplied by the Israelis and others and which are delivered to the Gazans on a daily basis through various checkpoints on the border - that is, on days when the trucks delivering the aid aren't being shot at by terrorists under the orders of, well ... Hamas.

This entire effort is more correctly a public relations stunt aimed at diverting attention away from the now well documented human rights abuses of the thuggish Hamas junta and its adversaries in Fatah.

As for Ms. Epstein, the Holocaust survivor, it seems that she hasn't learned many lessons from her tragic experience. Then again, there were always some Jews around in those times, who were willing to give aid and support to the enemy - even when that enemy's avowed aim was to obliterate the Jewish people from the face of the earth.


  1. Anonymous2:53 pm

    Very courageous last paragraph there, especially given the fact that you presumably don't know anything about Hedy Epstein and haven't approached Hedy Epstein for comment. At least we now know why you're not in journalism.

  2. Thanks for the compliments.

  3. Anonymous7:05 pm

    For your information Anonymous 2;52 Pm hedy Epstein is a well known far left wing,socialist anti Zionist pro Palestinian activist , She travels the world spruking the far left wing socialist, Palestinian anti Zionist, anti US Line.
    If fact her holocaust background has even been questioned.{ I suspect she was probably a Kapo}
    So don't get to excited by her enthusiasm vilifying Israel there are no shortage of anti Zionist Jews we have plenty in Australia, loewenstein,Richter ,Adler and his pack of ratbags.

  4. Anonymous10:13 pm

    anonymous 2:53pm, you mean "in journalism" like ed o'loughlin ... who never mentioned the genocidal aims of hamas once in 5 and a half years ... who never approached any of Israel's holocaust victims to ask what they thought about their neighbours' obsession with killing jews? that's in journalism ... is it?

  5. Anonymous3:12 pm

    Speaking of Ed O' - where's he writing his bile from currently.

  6. Anonymous2:39 pm

    Very good, Mr Burd. I'm sure your suspicions are precisely the solid evidence we need to advance such calumnies.
