Sunday, August 10, 2008


I'll be cheering for all athletes at the Olympics (the ones that are clean) but I have a soft spot for the following list - the Jews at the Olympics 2008

Jews at the Olympics

JEWISH athletes from countries including Israel, the United States, Australia, Argentina, Britain and Canada are competing in the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing:


Hockey, Women
Gisele Kanevsky

Judo, Women
Daniela Krakower

Swimming, Men
Damian Blaum

Table Tennis
Pablo Tabachnik

Weightlifting, Women
Nora Koppel


Table Tennis
David Zalcberg


Swimming, Men
Maxim Podoprigora


Adam Stern

David Zilberman, 96 kg
Ari Taub, 120 kg plus


Tennis, Men
Nicolas Massu

Great Britain

Josh West


Artistic Gymnastics, Men
Alex Shatilov, all-around

Canoeing, Men
Michael Koganov, K-1 500 and 1000 meters

Fencing, Men
Tomer Or, foil

Fencing, Women
Dalilah Hatuel, foil
Noam Mills, epee

Judo, Men
Ariel Ze'evi, 100 kg
Gal Yekutiel, 60 kg

Judo, Women
Alice Schlezinger, 63 kg

Rhythmic Gymnastics, Individual
Ira Risenzon
Neta Rivkin

Rhythmic Gymnastics, Team
Kayta Pizatzki
Racheli Vidgorcheck
Maria Savnakov
Alona Dvorinchenko
Veronica Witberg

Sailing, Men
Gidi Klinger and Udi Gal, 470
Shahar Tzuberi, windsurfing

Sailing, Women
Vered Buskila and Nika Kornitzky, 470
Nufar Eledman, laser radial
Ma’ayan Davidovich, windsurfing

Doron Egozi, 50-meter rifle 3, 10-meter air rifle
Gil Simkovich, 50-meter rifle 3, 50-meter rifle prone
Guy Starik, 50-meter rifle prone

Swimming, Men
Itay Chama, 200-meter breaststroke
Gal Nevo, 200 and 400 individual medley
Guy Barnea, 100 breaststroke
Tom Be'eri, 100 and 200 breaststroke
Allon Mandel, 100 and 200 butterfly
Nimrod Shapira Bar-Or, 200 freestyle

Swimming, Women
Anya Gostamelsky, 50 and 100 freestyle, 100 backstroke, 100 butterfly

Synchronized Swimming
Anastasia Gloushkov and Ina Yoffe, duet

Bat-El Getterer, 57 kg

Tennis, Men
Andy Ram and Yoni Erlich, doubles

Tennis, Women
Shahar Peer, singles
Tzipora Obziler, doubles with Peer

Track and Field, Men
Alex Averbukh, pole vault
Niki Palli, long jump
Haile Satayin, marathon
Itai Magidi, 3000-meter steeplechase

United States

Fencing, Women
Sara Jacobson, sabre

Rami Zur, 500-meter individual

Swimming, Men
Jason Lezak, 100-meter freestyle, relays
Garrett Weber-Gale, 100 freestyle, relays
Ben Wildman-Tobriner, 50 freestyle, relays

Swimming, Women
Dara Torres, 50-meter freestyle, relays

Track and Field, Women
Deena Kastor, marathon


  1. Anonymous2:05 pm

    does this mean all the above names are targets from those members of ' the religion of peace'?

  2. Anonymous7:05 pm

    We saw the Palestinian athletes walk behind the 'Palestine ' sign into the arena along with all the other 'official countries''.. so now Palestine is officaly recognized as a nation their citizens can put down their suicide belts and concentrate on the sport of nations and not of killing Jews.
