Sunday, July 13, 2008


Andrea Levin writes a powerful piece in the Jerusalem Post about the selectivity of the New York Times in its presentation of the news on the Israel/Palestine conflict -The silence of 'The Times'

Defamation of Israel and efforts to call the defamers to account have long been news the Times has deemed not fit to print. Its silence on recent developments concerning the al-Dura affair is just the latest iteration of a decades-long Times lie.

Levin echoes many of the complaints previously made in this blog about some of our local news outlets. There has of course, been a substantial improvement since the departure of Ed O'Loughlin from the Fairfax organisation but coverage of the "Pallywood" phenomenon remains thin on the ground in this country.

Unfortunately, the problem is exacerbated by the attitude of some of our own Jewish academics - one recently was quoted as having objected to the use of the term "Pallywood" because it might offend Palestinian sensibilities.

I suppose that the time will come soon when we are forced to stop teaching and studying the Holocaust because it might offend some Germans.

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