Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Kudos to the Austrlian and its op ed writer, Canadian MP Irwin Cotler for this piece in support of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's principle stand on Iran's threats against Israel:

"THE enduring lesson of the Holocaust - and the genocides in the Balkans and Rwanda - is that they occurred not simply because of the machinery of death, but because of the state-sanctioned incitement to hatred.

It is this teaching of contempt - this demonising of the other - this is where it all begins.

As the Supreme Court of Canada put it, "The Holocaust did not begin in the gas chambers; it began with words." The court added - in words echoed by the International Criminal Tribunals for Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda - that these are "the catastrophic effects of racism", the chilling facts of history."

A stark contrast to the recent ranting and apologetics for the racist Iranian regime from Amin Saikal in the Fairfax media.

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