Sunday, May 25, 2008

Collective Punishment

These photographs were taken of an arsenal of rocket launchers, missiles and other weaponry stored in a Gaza school last Thursday during routine counter-terrorism operations. The headmaster was not available for comment but it's unlikely that he uses this equipment to punish students who misbehave.


  1. Anonymous8:53 pm

    Weapons in schools I bet you won't find weapons in budhist or hindu schools. 'religion of peace ;.. yeh sure!

  2. Anonymous10:54 pm

    Do you mean to imply that collective punishment is acceptable in this context?

  3. Anonymous 10.54pm

    I'm not implying. I actually mean that terrorists who do this sort of thing are responsible for two forms of collective punishment -

    (i) against their own people because they commit a criminal act of operating within civilian areas, and

    (ii) against their Israeli neighbours because these weapons target non-combattants.

    Sadly, much of the western media whitewashes this sort of behaviour or ignores it altogether but a different standard is applied when the IDF takes action to protect its own citizens.

  4. Anonymous1:49 am

    Anonymous said...

    Do you mean to imply that collective punishment is acceptable in this context?

    10:54 PM

    Yes ,yes and yes if the Palestinians wish to allow the Muslim terrorists to hide amongst them they are fair game, the only problem is the Israelis are to care full and too caringat their own expense !

  5. Anonymous6:45 pm

    Wilbur, I thought that the targeting of civilian areas was the criminal act in such a case, while operating in those areas is purely morally reprehensible.
