Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Hamas gunmen steal power station fuel for their vehicles - no, that's from today's Jerusalem Post.

EU faults Hamas for Gaza fuel crisis - no, that was yesterday's in the Jerusalem Post.

Hayden: Syrian site could have produced fuel for 2 weapons - hell no, that was in the Associated Press yesterday.

Qassam hits Sderot home; residents treated for shock - sorry, that one's from today's Haaretz.

Iran official warns of 'danger' of Barbie, Harry Potter toys - nuh, can't fit any comment about unofficial Jewish taboos in that one.

Let's run with the gunmen story and turn them into modern day Robin Hoods helping out the poor, starving, emaciated masses in the open prison of Gaza or in the occupied West Bank. Make a note however, to leave out the pictures of the fat lady with the weapon. She doesn't fit the starving masses imagery and let's not go here either.

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