Monday, April 07, 2008


The Melbourne Age today carries an excellent Op Ed piece from State Zionist Council of Victoria President, Mr. Danny Lamm which not only responds to and demolishes last week's desperate attack on the Jewish State by IAJV hacks Loewenstein and Slezak who supported last month's notorious Nakba advertisement in the Australian newspaper but also sets out the responsible path to peace between Israel and the Palestinians - Israel is taking all the right steps along the pathway to peace.

Dr. Lamm's article makes a great deal of common sense and underlines why the bi-partisan motion congratulation the State of Israel was passed overwhelmingly in Parliament last month.

Meanwhile, the Nakba Advertisment continues to come under fire with the national secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia, Mr. Paddy Crumlin, distancing himself and his union from the advertisement which linked Israel's statehood to "racism and ethnic cleansing''. Mr. Crumlin said the inclusion of the MUA by its Sydney branch secretary, Warren Smith, "represented neither the union's position nor Mr Crumlin's.: 'I would be the last person to equate the establishment of Israel with racism and ethnic cleansing.' he said. 'That was an appalling choice of words.' - Union chief retreats from Israel advert.

The Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union remains shamefully committed to its endorsement of the anti-Israel ad and continues to be "lined up'' with terrorist group Hamas and its supporters. I use the word "shamefully" because, in view of the political stance of the Palestinian groups behind the Nakba Advertisement, it makes the CFMEU the nation's only trade union with an openly anti-Semitic policy.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:33 pm

    I wonder if the official view of the CFMEU is representative of its rank and file?

    It's one thing to criticise Israeli actions and to support the rights of Palestinian people but to get involved to the point where you involve yourself with the hideous racism of the Islamist groups like Hamas whose roots are in the fascist ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood is quite another matter. No union should involve itself with that lot.
