Thursday, April 17, 2008


Palestinian Minister for Prisoner Affairs Ashraf el Ajami has told Israel Radio the PLO's highest medal, the Al Kuds Mark of Honor would be given to two female terrorists who helped kill Israelis - J'lem official: Abbas award to terrorists 'grave'.

The award needs to be confirmed by Israel's peace partner, PA President Mahmoud Abbas who is reported to be considering nominations for Ahlam Tamimi, a Hamas affiliate serving a life sentence for driving the suicide bomber who exploded himself in the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem, killing at least half a dozen people (see photo above), and Amra Muna, who seduced Ophir Rahum over the Internet and then lured him to Ramallah where he was murdered.

The mere suggestion that such an outrageous and vile move could even be considered by Abbas provides a helpful insight into what the Israelis have to contend with in their search of a true peace in the region.


According to this Jerusalem Post report, Abbas has now confirmed that plans to present two female Palestinian terrorists with a medal of honor have been withdrawn. That's nice but it doesn't alter anything. I repeat:

The mere suggestion that such an outrageous and vile move could even be considered by Abbas provides a helpful insight into what the Israelis have to contend with in their search of a true peace in the region.


  1. Anonymous12:56 pm

    Wonderful people that PA and they're supposed to be the moderates?

  2. Thanks for focusing on this, Wilbur. There's a report this morning that Abbas has "revoked" (whatever that means) the award, but the double-speak and hypocrisy are so deeply rooted and there for anyone to see that it hardly matters at this point.

    As a parent of one of the children murdered in the Aug '01 Sbarro massacre, I pay more than the usual interest in what’s said about the murderer. So I feel the need to react when I see a news report (the original Jerusalem Post report) saying “The two were Ahlam Tamimi, a Hamas affiliate serving a life sentence for driving the suicide bomber who exploded himself in the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem, killing at least half a dozen people…”

    Fifteen people were murdered at Sbarro that day. Technically that's “at least half a dozen” but it’s an odd way to express it. A sixteenth victim, a young mother, has been lying unconscious from that day until now. My daughter Malka Chana, 15, was among those killed, and 130 people were maimed and injured. That’s my first point.

    The second is that, notwithstanding the Jerusalem Post’s report describing the murderous young woman as the driver, she wasn’t.

    Calling her the driver gives the impression of someone marginal to this barbaric slaughter. In fact, as the court that tried and convicted her found, this young woman personally engineered the massacre, procured the explosives, and accompanied the walking bomb-person from Samaria, via the Ramallah-area checkpoint crossing, into Jerusalem and right up to Sbarro. After the explosion, she coolly made her way back to Ramallah where she personally presented the evening news on PA television, including a report on the deaths she had herself caused to happen.

    There’s more background at

    - Arnold.
