Wednesday, April 23, 2008


The photograph above from Isranet shows a side of Israel that is rarely, if ever, revealed in the mainsteam media. The picture is of the dome and walls of the mosque of the Israeli-Arab village of A-Taibe in the Galilee painted in Israel's national colours - blue and white - in honour of the State's 60th anniversary.

"We are citizens of the State of Israel," village elder Hisham Zouabi, explained to the daily newspaper Ma'ariv. "For us religion encourages us to bring nations together. The goal is simple: coexistence. A Jew who comes here should not feel that the place is hostile but like home."

Of course, good news stories rarely sell and some editors and jornalists must feel that it's better to constantly highlight conflicts from a one-sided perspective at the expense of providing examples such as this one of true peace and reconcilation between people.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:49 pm

    I visited the Galilee region and there are many Arab towns where I got on well with the people and felt safe. Their living standards are higher than most other parts of the Middle East and many have nothing but contempt for Hamas and Fatah who they regard as the problem and not part of the solution. Try suggesting that they revert to PA control and they would do you harm.
