Tuesday, March 04, 2008


"Journalism has changed. It is a tool for advocacy. For a lot of reporters, writing articles is what they do instead of demonstrating or lobbying for a cause, and against another one. Behavior that twenty years ago would have been quickly condemned and resulted in either editorial changes or summary firings is accepted and defended routinely.

Just look at the texts. They are so skewed that even while being horrified one wants to laugh at the clumsy and obvious tricks employed." - Barry Rubin Pledges Not Made, Fairness Not Met.

Time and again, the media's coverage of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians falls short of revealing the true picture of what is happening over there. In the Age for example, you read about Palestinians mourning their civilian dead as if the recently ended Israeli raids were for no purpose other than to torment the normal every day population of mums, dads and children. This report by Ed O'Loughlin cites a figure of "up to half" of the 100 Palestinians who allegedly died as civilians - Mourning tents spread on Gaza Strip - and tells of stories about Israeli snipers on rooftops firing at children.

If you detect a touch of cynicism here, let me say first that I don't doubt that innocent civilians die in operations such as the one Israel called “Operation Hot Winter”. My cynicism is not directed at those people but at the author of the piece who writes purely from one perspective - that of those he seeks to characterise as the victims i.e. the Palestinians. His readers are provided with little or no perspective or context about what is really happening in and around the battlefield.

First, the reason why the Israelis went into to Gaza last week. The chief mourner among the Palestinians is quoted as saying: "Tell them this: I only want peace. I only want peace. I am an ordinary man. I never hurt anybody. Please. My English is not good. I would prefer to speak Hebrew. I worked in Israel for many years. I have many Jewish friends and I do not hate the Jews. I have told them this. I only want peace."

Most Israelis would agree with him but would then scratch their heads in bewilderment as to why the remarks are addressed to them and not to Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al Aksa Martyrs and the countless other offshoots who, with the encouragement and blessing of the local leadership, have been pounding neighbouring Israeli towns with rockets on a daily basis for years and have recently introduced deadly Grad missiles from Iran. These missiles have increased the range of Palestinian missile fire to include Ashkelon and its environs so that the range now includes 150,000 Israeli civilians. Mr Abu Seif may only want peace but the thugs who rule his neighbourhood want something entirely different. They want him to remain busy in his role as a chief mourner.

Second, citing the number of civilian dead in any conflict in this region is fraught with danger. Apart from the fact that there have been countless cases of self-inflicted civilian deaths among Palestinians, the first problem is to determine who is a "civilian" or a "non-combatant" in an asymmetric war when the fighters wear no uniforms to distinguish them from the non-combatants.

Often the figures used are supplied by Israeli human rights groups but some of these groups, like O'Loughlin, also seem to have their own agenda. Some years ago at a social function in Israel, I met a member of B'tselem, a group whose casualty statistics are often quoted by O'Loughlin. I questioned him about how his group compiles its figures of Palestinian deaths in the fighting and he revealed that a heavy reliance in many cases on information provided by the local population. When I suggested that the locals might have reasons to fudge the truth our conversation ended in stony silence. Fact is, I don't believe the figures O'Loughlin quotes and I'll take the IDF's figures of 90% of the casualties being "militants" any day.

In any event the O'Loughlin article masks much of the background as to what really transpired in the field of battle. The Australian's Martin Chulov filed a story yesterday entitled ‘Toll rising as Hamas faces military fury’, in which readers are provided a more clear insight on the course of the fighting and which proves the points I make above. Note the following: -

"Fighting appeared to be centred on the Jabaliya refugee camp, a maze of narrow laneways and prefabricated concrete homes from where Hamas and other Gaza militant factions were yesterday still managing to launch rockets and snipe at Israeli forces to the east.

"From inside Jabaliya, Palestinian media reported several instances of clashes between locals and Hamas militants who were attempting to set up rocket-firing sights.

"Some locals have reportedly been shot by Hamas, and others arrested for attempting to drive them out of their neighbourhoods, but it was difficult to gauge whether a groundswell of resistance was building against the group."

In today's Australian, Chulov quotes Israeli Defence Force Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi defending claims that the Israeli strikes had been improper. His story is consistent with those cited by the Palestinian media about Hamas militants attempting to set up rocket-firing sites:

"'In one case we saw an old Palestinian man leave Jabaliya with a wagon in which a Grad missile was concealed,' he told the cabinet meeting. 'He stopped, as though at random, beside an orchard, to which two gunmen came, took the missile, placed it on a launcher and launched it.'"

How is that O'Loughlin could have missed this picture which is so different to the one painted in his story? Imagine if the Israelis had killed the old Palestinian man. Would he be mourned as a civilian or as a fighter, an accomplice in a terrorist plot to murder neighbouring Israelis?

It seems that the stance taken by some of the civilians inside Jabaliya is not an isolated one. Arab writers are beginning to speak out about Hamas thuggery - Gaza killings fault of Hamas and silent Palestinians. According to Ray Hanania of the Arab Writers Group:

"Hamas is a terrorist organization that is as dedicated to the destruction of Israel as it is to the destruction of the secular Palestinian society and the elimination of Christian Palestinians and secular Muslims. The organization has never advocated rights for secular or Christian Arabs in Palestineand have always embraced violence as a means of creating an environment in which they hope to one day achieve their fascist goals. You cannot blame Israel for the deaths without speaking out even more forcefully against the terrorist policies of Hamas."

Hanania dutifully excoriates the Israelis for what he calls its "excessive" policies (and I disagree that they are excessive on the evidence before me) but adds that "... you cannot close your eyes to one form of terrorism and thenclaim to be a victim of another form of terrorism." and that "Palestinians have allowed themselves to surrender the moral high ground by remaining shamefully silent on the terrorist actions of Hamas and by refusing to condemn the Hamas policy of firing Qassem rockets into Israel at Israeli civilian targets."

Of course, it's not only Palestinians who have "closed their eyes" and remained silent. There are many in the media who close their eyes and remain silent as well and in doing so, they play into the hands of Hamas.

My guess is that the following story, which shows that Israelis are far different to the impression of them created in the mourner's tent story, is not likely to see the light of day in the Age any time soon. Entitled ‘MDA treats victims on both sides’, it's about how personel from Magen David Adom - Israel's equivalent of the "Red Cross" - help Israeli victims of Palestinian rocket attacks from Gaza and also facilitate the transfer of Gazan patients to Israeli hospitals for treatment.

Like O'Loughlin's chief mourner, this story is about how Israel is telling its Palestinian neighbours that it too wants peace and it's a story is presented in a tangible way showing the humanity of the Jewish people. The MDA seeks to heal people on both sides of the conflict and often its personnel face great danger in undertaking this task. Sadly, stories such as this one are pushed time after time into the blank pages and remain untold to the readership of the Age.


  1. Anonymous8:25 am

    Kol Hakavod.

    It needed to be said.

  2. Anonymous11:56 am

    The best news is that some Arabs and Palestinians are waking up to radical Islamist deception. I find it unbelievable that you can be better informed these days by sources like Al Jazeera than by Al Age.

  3. Anonymous7:40 am

    Palestinians shoot dozens of Kasaam rockets into Israel every day for months and months. Finally, the Israelis get tired of this and open up some counter battery artillery on the rocket shooters, killing some of them. Since shooting off rockets into Israel is apparently some kind of Palestinian block party event, several “innocent” bystanders get killed. (How do you tell who the civilians are over there, when nobody wears a uniform and the whole bunch of them voted for a terrorist government which they all strongly believe in?)

    Finding out that war is tough when the other guy actually bothers to shoot back, the Palestinians scream “genocide."

    Palestinians take a detour on the “roadmap to peace” by suspending talks with Israel. They can talk all day when it’s just them keeping the fight going, but they get their noses in a twist when they get shot at. Go figure.

    UN members wear out their Nikes running to Turtle Bay to crank out yet another angry Post-It note condemning Isreal for “unequal force” retaliation.

    How many times can this story be repeated?

  4. Anonymous11:03 am

    A list of 234 Israeli civilians killed by Palestinians in deliberate (not as a consequence of attacks on military targets) attacks in the 'Occupied Territories': Edo Zoldan 29 year-old resident of Shavey Shomeron, Nablus district, killed on 19.11.2007 next to Kedumim, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while riding in his car by gunfire from a passing vehicle. Erez Levanon 42 year-old resident of Bat Ayin, Bethlehem district, killed on 25.02.2007 next to Bat Ayin, Bethlehem district, by stabbing. Additional information: His body was found near the settlement. Daniel Yacobi 59 year-old resident of Yaqir, Tulkarm district, killed on 27.07.2006 next to Qalqiliya, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed on road 50, after being kidnapped when coming out of a garage in the village of al-Funduq where he took his car to be fixed. Eliahu Pinhas Asheri 18 year-old resident of Itamar, Nablus district, killed on 25.06.2006 next to Neve Halamish, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Abducted while at a hitching post looking for a ride to Betar Illit. His body was found in Ramallah's a-Tira neighborhood on 29 June 2006. Shaked Lasker 16 year-old resident of Kedumim, Tulkarm district, killed on 30.03.2006 next to Kedumim, Tulkarm district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide bombing near the gas station in the entry of Kedumim Rafi Halevy 63 year-old resident of Kedumim, Tulkarm district, killed on 30.03.2006 next to Kedumim, Tulkarm district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide bombing near the gas station in the entry of Kedumim Helena Halevy 58 year-old resident of Kedumim, Tulkarm district, killed on 30.03.2006 next to Kedumim, Tulkarm district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide bombing near the gas station in the entry of Kedumim Re'ut Feldman 20 year-old resident of Herzliya, killed on 30.03.2006 next to Kedumim, Tulkarm district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide bombing near the gas station in the entry of Kedumim Eldar Abir 48 year-old resident of Migdalim, Nablus district, killed on 01.03.2006 next to Migdalim, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed when two Palestinian shot him from a short distance in the gas station. Yossi Shok 35 year-old resident of Beit Hagai, Hebron district, killed on 16.12.2005 in South Mount Hebron, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while driving in his car. Oz Ben Meir 15 year-old resident of Ma'on, Hebron district, killed on 16.10.2005 next to Alon Shvut, Bethlehem district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire from a car that stopped by the Gush Etzion junction pick-up [tramp] station. Kinneret Mandel 23 year-old resident of Carmel, Hebron district, killed on 16.10.2005 next to Alon Shvut, Bethlehem district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while waiting for a ride at the hitchhiking station about 200 meters from the entrance to the settlement. Matat Adler 21 year-old resident of Carmel, Hebron district, killed on 16.10.2005 next to Alon Shvut, Bethlehem district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire from a car that stopped by the Gush Etzion junction pick-up [tramp] station. Sasson Nuriel 55 year-old resident of Pesgat Ze'ev, East Jerusalem district, killed on 21.09.2005 in Bitunya, Ramallah and al-Bira district. Additional information: Kidnapped and his body was found on Sept 26 in Bitunya. Dov Kol 58 year-old resident of Jerusalem, killed on 24.07.2005 in Kissufim, Khan Yunis district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while returning home with his wife from visiting family in Gush Katif. Three others were wounded Rachel Kol 53 year-old resident of Jerusalem, killed on 24.07.2005 in Kissufim, Khan Yunis district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while returning home with her husband from visiting family in Gush Katif. Three others were wounded Aviad Mansour 16 year-old resident of Otni'el, Hebron district, injured on 24.06.2005 next to Beit Hagai, Hebron district, by gunfire, and died on 26.06.2005. Additional information: Killed while waiting for a ride at the hitchhiking station about 200 meters from the entrance to the settlement. Avihai Levy 17 year-old resident of Beit Hagai, Hebron district, killed on 24.06.2005 next to Beit Hagai, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while waiting for a ride at the hitchhiking station about 200 meters from the entrance to the settlement. Yevgeni Reider 28 year-old resident of Hermesh, Jenin district, killed on 20.06.2005 next to Baka a-Sharkiah, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. As a result of the gunfire, the gas tank caught fire. He managed to keave the car before it burned. Ibrahim Kahili 47 year-old resident of Um al-Ghanam, killed on 13.01.2005 at the Karni Checkpoint, Gaza district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in an attack at the Karni crossing in the Gaza Strip. Dror Gizri 32 year-old resident of Sderot, killed on 13.01.2005 at the Karni Checkpoint, Gaza district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in an attack at the Karni crossing in the Gaza Strip. Ivan Shmilov 54 year-old resident of Sderot, killed on 13.01.2005 at the Karni Checkpoint, Gaza district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in an attack at the Karni crossing in the Gaza Strip. Mun'im Abu Sabia 33 year-old resident of Daburiyeh, killed on 13.01.2005 at the Karni Checkpoint, Gaza district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in an attack at the Karni crossing in the Gaza Strip. Ofer Tiri 24 year-old resident of Ashkelon, killed on 13.01.2005 at the Karni Checkpoint, Gaza district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in an attack at the Karni crossing in the Gaza Strip. Herzl Shlomo 52 year-old resident of Sderot, killed on 13.01.2005 at the Karni Checkpoint, Gaza district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in an attack at the Karni crossing in the Gaza Strip. Gideon Rivlin 51 year-old resident of Ganei Tal, Gush Katif district, killed on 12.01.2005 in Morag, Khan Yunis district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in an explosion aimed at an army jeep. Sami al-Kamalat 28 year-old resident of Rahat, killed on 22.12.2004 next to Idhna, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in a shooting attack while secure the Separation Barrier. Shulamit Batito 36 year-old resident of Nissanit, North Gaza district, killed on 30.09.2004 next to Nissanit, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by Palestinian gunfire. Tiferet Tratner 24 year-old resident of Jerusalem, killed on 24.09.2004 in Neve Deqalim, Gush Katif district, by a Qassam rocket. Additional information: Killed while sitting in her living room when a shell came through the roof and exploded in the house. Shlomo Miller 50 year-old resident of Itamar, Nablus district, killed on 13.08.2004 next to Itamar, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by Palestinian fire aimed at the security guards at the rear entrance of the Itamar settlement. Victor Kreidman 49 year-old resident of Mevo Dotan, Jenin district, killed on 04.07.2004 next to Ya'bad, Jenin district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by Palestinian gunfire while driving in his car with his wife. Moshe Yohai 63 year-old resident of Ashdod, killed on 29.06.2004 next to Beit Rima, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in his truck when entering Beit Rima village on business. Tali Hatuel 34 year-old resident of Qatif, Gush Katif district, killed on 02.05.2004 in al-Qarara, Rafah district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while in a car with her four daughters in a shooting attack. Roni Hatuel 7 year-old resident of Qatif, Gush Katif district, killed on 02.05.2004 in al-Qarara, Rafah district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while in a car with her mother and sisters in a shooting attack. Hadar Hatuel 9 year-old resident of Qatif, Gush Katif district, killed on 02.05.2004 in al-Qarara, Rafah district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed with her mother and sisters in a shooting attack. Merav Hatuel 2 year-old resident of Qatif, Gush Katif district, killed on 02.05.2004 in al-Qarara, Rafah district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while in a car with her mother and sisters in a shooting attack. Hila Hatuel 11 year-old resident of Qatif, Gush Katif district, killed on 02.05.2004 in al-Qarara, Rafah district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while in a car with her mother and sisters in a shooting attack. Yaakov Kobi Zagha 40 year-old resident of Avne Hefez, Tulkarm district, killed on 03.04.2004 in Avne Hefez, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed at the entrance to his house by a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement. George Elias Khoury 19 year-old resident of Beit Hanina al-Balad, al-Quds district, killed on 19.03.2004 in East Jerusalem, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by a shot to the head, from a passing car, when he was jogging in the French Hill neighborhood. Gal Shapira 29 year-old resident of Ashkelon, killed on 14.01.2004 in Erez (Industrial Zone), North Gaza district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide bombing at the Erez checkpoint. Ro'i Arbel 29 year-old resident of Talmon, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 13.01.2004 next to Talmon, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in a shooting attack as he was driving in his car. Ilya Reiger 58 year-old resident of Jerusalem, killed on 22.11.2003 in East Jerusalem, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed with another security guard while the two were in a car guarding an area where the Separation Barrier was under construction. Samer Fathi 'Afan 25 year-old resident of U'zeir, killed on 22.11.2003 in East Jerusalem, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed with another security guard while the two were in a car guarding an area where the Separation Barrier was under construction. Shaked Avraham Under 1 year-old resident of Negohot, Hebron district, killed on 25.09.2003 in Negohot, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed at the entrance to her home when Palestinian knocked on the door and shot her. Eyal Yeberbaum 27 year-old resident of Negohot, Hebron district, killed on 25.09.2003 in Negohot, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in his doorway by a Palestinian who knocked on the door and then shot him. Shalom Har Melekh 25 year-old resident of Homesh, Tulkarm district, killed on 29.08.2003 next to Kochav Hashahar, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire, when he was driving with his wife. Amatzia (Andre) Nisanwitz 22 year-old resident of Nofim, Tulkarm district, injured on 12.08.2003 next to Ari'el, Nablus district, by explosion, and died on 28.08.2003. Additional information: killed in a suicide bombing at a hitchhiking pick-up site on the Trans-Samaria Highway. He died about two weeks after the bombing. Erez Hershkvitz 18 year-old resident of Eilon Moreh, Nablus district, killed on 12.08.2003 next to Ari'el, Nablus district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide bombing at a hitchhiking station on the Trans-Samarian Highway. Zvi Goldstein 47 year-old resident of Eli, Nablus district, killed on 20.06.2003 next to Ramallah, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire when he was driving in his car. Avner Maimon 51 year-old resident of Netanya, killed on 12.06.2003 next to Ya'bad, Jenin district, by gunfire. Additional information: Shot when he came to the village to buy coal. Shimon Ustinsky 68 year-old resident of East Jerusalem, killed on 18.05.2003 in East Jerusalem, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide attack in the French Hill neighborhood. Yitzhak Moyal 64 year-old resident of East Jerusalem, killed on 18.05.2003 in East Jerusalem, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide attack in the French Hill neighborhood. Nelly Perov 55 year-old resident of East Jerusalem, killed on 18.05.2003 in East Jerusalem, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide attack in the French Hill neighborhood. Marina Tsahivershvili 44 year-old resident of East Jerusalem, killed on 18.05.2003 in East Jerusalem, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide attack in the French Hill neighborhood. Roni Yisraeli 34 year-old resident of East Jerusalem, killed on 18.05.2003 in East Jerusalem, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide attack in the French Hill neighborhood. Olga Brenner 52 year-old resident of East Jerusalem, killed on 18.05.2003 in East Jerusalem, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide attack in the French Hill neighborhood. Dina Levy 37 year-old resident of Kiryat Arba, Hebron district, killed on 17.05.2003 in Hebron, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide attack near Gross square in Hebron. Gadi Levy 31 year-old resident of Kiryat Arba, Hebron district, killed on 17.05.2003 in Hebron, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide attack near Gross square in Hebron. Zion David 53 year-old, killed on 11.05.2003 next to Ofra, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. Gideon Lichterman 27 year-old resident of Shvut Rachel, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 05.05.2003 next to Shvut Rachel, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. Zachar Rahamim Hanukayev 39 year-old resident of Sderot, killed on 15.04.2003 at the Karni Checkpoint, Gaza district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by Palestinians who penetrated the Karni crossing and opened fire. Zion Boshirian 51 year-old resident of Mevo Dotan, Jenin district, killed on 19.03.2003 next to Jenin, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. Eli Horowitz 52 year-old resident of Kiryat Arba, Hebron district, killed on 07.03.2003 in Kiryat Arba, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in shooting attack carried out by Palestinians who infiltrated the settlement. Dina Horowitz 50 year-old resident of Kiryat Arba, Hebron district, killed on 07.03.2003 in Kiryat Arba, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in shooting attack carried out by Palestinians that infiltrated the settlement. Natanel Ozeri 34 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 17.01.2003 next to Hebron, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by Hamas members who infiltrated the outpost in which he lived. Mas'ud Makluf Alon 71 year-old resident of The Upper Galile, killed on 02.01.2003 next to Beka'ot, Jericho district, by gunfire. Gavriel Hoter 17 year-old resident of Alonei Habashan, killed on 27.12.2002 in Otni'el, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire of Palestinians who infiltrated the Otniel Yeshiva. Zvi Ziman 18 year-old resident of Modi'in, killed on 27.12.2002 in Otni'el, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire of Palestinians who infiltrated the Otniel Yeshiva. Yitzhak Arama 40 year-old resident of Netzer Hazani, Gush Katif district, killed on 20.12.2002 near a checkpoint in the Kissufim region, Khan Yunis district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. Esther Galia 48 year-old resident of Kochav Hashahar, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 18.11.2002 next to Rimmonim, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire when riding in her car. Amos Sa'ada 52 year-old resident of Rafiah Yam, Gush Katif district, killed on 06.11.2002 in Rafiah Yam, Gush Katif district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement. Assaf Tzfira 18 year-old resident of Bedolah, Gush Katif district, killed on 06.11.2002 in Rafiah Yam, Gush Katif district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement. Hadas Turjeman 14 year-old resident of Hermesh, Jenin district, killed on 29.10.2002 in Hermesh, Jenin district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire from a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement. Orna Eshel 53 year-old resident of Hermesh, Jenin district, killed on 29.10.2002 in Hermesh, Jenin district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire from a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement. Lenoy Saroussi 14 year-old resident of Hermesh, Jenin district, killed on 29.10.2002 in Hermesh, Jenin district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire from a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement. Oded Wolk 51 year-old resident of Modi'in, injured on 08.10.2002 next to Yatta, Hebron district, by gunfire, and died on 09.10.2002. Additional information: He was shot after being picked up hitchhiking. The driver was severely wounded and the other two passengers were slightly wounded in the incident. Shlomo Yitzhak Shapira 48 year-old resident of Jerusalem, killed on 23.09.2002 in Hebron, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while walking around the old city of Hebron. Yosef 'Ajami 36 year-old resident of West Jerusalem, killed on 18.09.2002 next to Ya'bad, Jenin district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. David Buhbut 67 year-old resident of Ma'ale Adumim, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 18.09.2002 next to al-'Eizariya, al-Quds district, by beating. Additional information: Killed after being severely beaten when he came to the village to buy building supplies. Yafit Herenstein 31 year-old resident of Mechora, Jericho district, killed on 10.08.2002 in Mechora, Jericho district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement. Avi Walensky 29 year-old resident of Eli, Nablus district, killed on 05.08.2002 next to Eli, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car on the Nablus-Ramallah road. Avital Walensky 27 year-old resident of Eli, Nablus district, killed on 05.08.2002 next to Eli, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while riding in her car on the Nablus-Ramallah road. Yekutiel Amitai 32 year-old resident of West Jerusalem, killed on 04.08.2002 in East Jerusalem, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed at the Damascus Gate. Seventeen people were injured. Shani Ladani 27 year-old resident of Olash, killed on 01.08.2002 next to Tulkarm, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed after being bound and shot in the head in an abandoned factory near Tulkarm. Shlomo Odesser 60 year-old resident of Tapuah, Nablus district, killed on 30.07.2002 in Jamma'in, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed with his brother when they came to the village to sell diesel. Mordechai Odesser 52 year-old resident of Tapuah, Nablus district, killed on 30.07.2002 in Jamma'in, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed with his brother when they came to the village to sell diesel. Yusef Dikstein 46 year-old resident of Psagot, Ramallah and al-Bira district, injured on 26.07.2002 next to Zif, Hebron district, by gunfire, and died on 28.07.2002. Additional information: Killed with his wife and son in a shooting attack near Zif junction. Hana Dikstein 42 year-old resident of Psagot, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 26.07.2002 next to Zif, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed with her husband and son in a shooting attack near Zif junction. Shuv-El Dikstein 9 year-old resident of Psagot, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 26.07.2002 next to Zif, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed with his parents in a shooting attack near Zif junction. Elimelech Shapira 43 year-old resident of Pedu'el, Tulkarm district, killed on 25.07.2002 next to Ele Zahav, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. Yocheved Ben Hanan 21 year-old resident of Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, injured on 16.07.2002 next to Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, by explosion, and died on 18.07.2002. Additional information: Killed following bombing and shooting attack. She died two days after the attack. Prematurely born baby of severely wounded woman Under 1 year-old resident of Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, killed on 16.07.2002 next to Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in an attack which included the detonation of an explosive device and shooting. Ilana Sitton 35 year-old resident of Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, killed on 16.07.2002 next to Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in an attack which included the detonation of an explosive device and shooting. Yonatan Gamliel 16 year-old resident of Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, killed on 16.07.2002 next to Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in an attack which included the detonation of an explosive device and shooting. Galila Ades 60 year-old resident of Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, killed on 16.07.2002 next to Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in an attack which included the detonation of an explosive device and shooting. Keren Kashani 29 year-old resident of Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, killed on 16.07.2002 next to Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in an attack which included the detonation of an explosive device and shooting. Sarah Tiferet Shilon Under 1 year-old resident of Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, killed on 16.07.2002 next to Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in an attack which included the detonation of an explosive device and shooting. Gal Shilon 32 year-old resident of Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, killed on 16.07.2002 next to Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in an attack which included the detonation of an explosive device and shooting. Zilpa Kashi 65 year-old resident of Giv'atayim, killed on 16.07.2002 next to Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in an attack which included the detonation of an explosive device and shooting. Avishai Shabo 5 year-old resident of Itamar, Nablus district, killed on 20.06.2002 in Itamar, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by a Palestinian who infiltrated his house in the settlement and opened fire. Neria Shabo 16 year-old resident of Itamar, Nablus district, killed on 20.06.2002 in Itamar, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed when a Palestinian infiltrated the family's house in the settlement and opened fire. Yosef Twito 31 year-old resident of Itamar, Nablus district, killed on 20.06.2002 in Itamar, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement. Zvika Shabo 14 year-old resident of Itamar, Nablus district, killed on 20.06.2002 in Itamar, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by a Palestinian who infiltrated his house in the settlement and opened fire. Rachel Shabo 40 year-old resident of Itamar, Nablus district, killed on 20.06.2002 in Itamar, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed together with three of her children by a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement and shot them. Gal Eisenman 5 year-old resident of Ma'ale Adumim, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 19.06.2002 in East Jerusalem, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide bombing at the French Hill intersection. Gila Sarah Kessler 21 year-old resident of Eli, Nablus district, killed on 19.06.2002 in East Jerusalem, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide bombing at the French Hill intersection. Shmuel Yerushalmi 17 year-old resident of Shilo, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 19.06.2002 in East Jerusalem, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide bombing at the French Hill intersection. Hadassah Jungreis 20 year-old resident of Migdal Haemek, killed on 19.06.2002 in East Jerusalem, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide bombing at the French Hill intersection. Michal Franklin 22 year-old resident of East Jerusalem, killed on 19.06.2002 in East Jerusalem, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide bombing at the French Hill intersection. Noa Alon 60 year-old resident of Ofra, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 19.06.2002 in East Jerusalem, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide bombing at the French Hill intersection. Yael Suraq 24 year-old resident of Carmei Tzur, Hebron district, killed on 08.06.2002 in Carmei Tzur, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in a shooting attack carried out by Palestinians that infiltrated the settlement. Erez Rund 18 year-old resident of Ofra, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 06.06.2002 next to Sinjil, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. Gilad Stieglitz 14 year-old resident of Yaqir, Tulkarm district, killed on 28.05.2002 in Itamar, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement and opened fire. Avraham Sitton 17 year-old resident of Shilo, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 28.05.2002 in Itamar, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement and opened fire. Nathaniel Riahi 17 year-old resident of Kochav Ya'aqov, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 28.05.2002 in Itamar, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement and opened fire. Albert Malul 50 year-old resident of West Jerusalem, killed on 28.05.2002 next to Ofra, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. Nissan Dolinger 43 year-old resident of Pe'at Sade, Gush Katif district, killed on 12.05.2002 next to Rafah, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire by a Palestinian who was working for him. Ya'akov Katz 51 year-old resident of Adora, Hebron district, killed on 27.04.2002 in Adora, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement and opened fire. Qatiya Greenberg 45 year-old resident of Adora, Hebron district, killed on 27.04.2002 in Adora, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in a shooting attack carried out by Palestinians that infiltrated the settlement. Daniel Shefi 5 year-old resident of Adora, Hebron district, killed on 27.04.2002 in Adora, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in a shooting attack carried out by Palestinians that infiltrated the settlement. Arik Becker 22 year-old resident of Adora, Hebron district, killed on 27.04.2002 in Adora, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement and opened fire. Mikha'el Orlansky 70 year-old resident of Tel Aviv, killed on 29.03.2002 in Netzarim, Deir al-Balah district, by stabbing. Additional information: Killed by a Palestinian who stabbed him after infiltrating the settlement. Tuvia Wisner 79 year-old resident of Petah Tikva, killed on 29.03.2002 in Netzarim, Deir al-Balah district, by stabbing. Additional information: Killed by a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement. Yitzhak Kanner 81 year-old resident of Eilon Moreh, Nablus district, killed on 28.03.2002 in Eilon Moreh, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Shot by a Palestinian who infiltrated the family's house. David Gavish 50 year-old resident of Eilon Moreh, Nablus district, killed on 28.03.2002 in Eilon Moreh, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Shot by a Palestinian who infiltrated the family's house. Rachel Gavish 50 year-old resident of Eilon Moreh, Nablus district, killed on 28.03.2002 in Eilon Moreh, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Shot by a Palestinian who infiltrated the family's house. Avi Sabag 24 year-old resident of Otni'el, Hebron district, killed on 24.03.2002 next to al-Fawwar Camp, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. Esther Kleiman 23 year-old resident of Neve Halamish, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 24.03.2002 next to 'Ateret, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while riding a bus. Eyal Lieberman 44 year-old resident of Tzoran, killed on 12.03.2002 next to Modi'in Illit, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while driving in his car. Arik Karogliak 18 year-old resident of Bet El, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 07.03.2002 in 'Atzmon, Gush Katif district, by gunfire. Additional information: Shot by a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement. Asher Marcus 19 year-old resident of West Jerusalem, killed on 07.03.2002 in 'Atzmon, Gush Katif district, by gunfire. Additional information: Shot by a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement. Tal Zvi Kurtzweil 18 year-old resident of Bnei Baraq, killed on 07.03.2002 in 'Atzmon, Gush Katif district, by gunfire. Additional information: Shot by a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement. Eran Fiqar 18 year-old resident of West Jerusalem, killed on 07.03.2002 in 'Atzmon, Gush Katif district, by gunfire. Additional information: Shot by a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement. Ariel Zaneh 19 year-old resident of East Jerusalem, killed on 07.03.2002 in 'Atzmon, Gush Katif district, by gunfire. Additional information: Shot by a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement. Devorah Friedman 46 year-old resident of Efrat, Bethlehem district, killed on 05.03.2002 next to Bethlehem, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while driving in her car on the Haminharot road. Vadim Balagula 32 year-old resident of Ari'el, Nablus district, killed on 03.03.2002 next to Ofra, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in a shooting attack on a checkpoint. Sergei Birmov 33 year-old resident of Ari'el, Nablus district, killed on 03.03.2002 next to Ofra, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in a shooting attack on a checkpoint. Didi Yitzhak 66 year-old resident of Eli, Nablus district, killed on 03.03.2002 next to Ofra, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in a shooting attack on a checkpoint. Gad Rejwan 34 year-old resident of West Jerusalem, killed on 27.02.2002 in 'Atarot, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire by a Palestinian who was working for him. Rachel Thaler 15 year-old resident of Ginot Hashomron, West Bank district, injured on 16.02.2002 in Karne Shomeron, Tulkarm district, by explosion, and died on 27.02.2002. Additional information: Killed in a suicide bombing at the Karne Shomron mall. She died 11 days after the bombing. Aharon Gorov 46 year-old resident of Nokdim, Bethlehem district, killed on 25.02.2002 next to Nokdim, Bethlehem district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. Avraham Fish 65 year-old resident of Nokdim, Bethlehem district, killed on 25.02.2002 next to Nokdim, Bethlehem district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. Valery Ahmir 59 year-old resident of Beit Shemesh, killed on 22.02.2002 next to 'Atarot, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. Ahuva Amergi 30 year-old resident of Ganei Tal, Gush Katif district, killed on 18.02.2002 near a checkpoint in the Kissufim region, Khan Yunis district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by Palestinian gunfire while driving in her car. Keren Shatsky 15 year-old resident of Ginot Hashomron, West Bank district, killed on 16.02.2002 in Karne Shomeron, Tulkarm district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide bombing at the Qarne Shomron shopping mall. Nehemia 'Amar 15 year-old resident of Karne Shomeron, Tulkarm district, killed on 16.02.2002 in Karne Shomeron, Tulkarm district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in a suicide bombing at the Qarne Shomron shopping mall. Atala Lipobsky 78 year-old resident of Ma'ale Efraim, Jericho district, killed on 09.02.2002 next to Tapuah, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while riding in her car near Tapuah junction. Miri Ohana 45 year-old resident of Hamra, Jericho district, killed on 06.02.2002 in Hamra, Jericho district, by gunfire. Additional information: Shot by a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement. Yael Ohana 11 year-old resident of Hamra, Jericho district, killed on 06.02.2002 in Hamra, Jericho district, by gunfire. Additional information: Shot by a Palestinian who infiltrated the settlement. Yoela Chen 45 year-old resident of Giv'at Ze'ev, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 15.01.2002 next to Giv'at Ze'ev, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Shot when her car was ambushed. Avraham (Avi) Boaz 71 year-old resident of Har Gillo, Bethlehem district, killed on 15.01.2002 in Beit Sahur, Bethlehem district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed after being abducted by Palestinians. Shot in the head. Yair 'Amar 13 year-old resident of Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, killed on 12.12.2001 in Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in an attack which included the detonation of an explosive device and the shooting a bus. Yirmiyahu Salem 48 year-old resident of Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, killed on 12.12.2001 in Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in an attack which included the detonation of an explosive device and the shooting a bus. Moshe Menachem Gutman 40 year-old resident of Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, killed on 12.12.2001 in Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in an attack which included the detonation of an explosive device and the shooting a bus. Israel Sternberg 46 year-old resident of Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, killed on 12.12.2001 in Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in an attack which included the detonation of an explosive device and the shooting a bus. Avraham Nahman Nitzani 17 year-old resident of Betar Illit, Bethlehem district, killed on 12.12.2001 in Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in an attack which included the detonation of an explosive device and the shooting a bus. Ya'akov Tzarfati 64 year-old resident of Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, killed on 12.12.2001 in Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in an attack which included the detonation of an explosive device and the shooting a bus. Hananya Tzarfati 1031 year-old resident of Ginot Hashomron, West Bank district, killed on 12.12.2001 in Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in an attack which included the detonation of an explosive device and the shooting a bus. David Tzarfati 38 year-old resident of Ginot Hashomron, West Bank district, killed on 12.12.2001 in Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in an attack which included the detonation of an explosive device and the shooting a bus. Esther Avraham 42 year-old resident of Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, killed on 12.12.2001 in Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed in an attack on a bus which entailed an explosive device and the shooting at a bus. Baruch Singer 51 year-old resident of Gedera, killed on 02.12.2001 next to Alei Sinai, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. Ety Fahima 45 year-old resident of Netzer Hazani, Gush Katif district, killed on 27.11.2001 in Gush Katif, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while driving in her car. Hadas Abutbul 39 year-old resident of Mevo Dotan, Jenin district, killed on 09.11.2001 next to Mevo Dotan, Jenin district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while riding in her car. Shoshana Ben Ishai 16 year-old resident of Betar Illit, Bethlehem district, killed on 04.11.2001 in East Jerusalem, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while riding on Bus No. 25 at the French Hill neighborhood. Menashe Regev 14 year-old resident of Jerusalem, killed on 04.11.2001 in East Jerusalem, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while riding on Bus No. 25 at the French Hill neighborhood. Lior Kaufman 30 year-old resident of Ramat Hasharon, killed on 18.10.2001 next to Bethlehem, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while hiking in the Judean Desert. Hananya Ben Avraham 46 year-old resident of El'ad, killed on 05.10.2001 next to Far'on, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. Assaf Yitzhaki 20 year-old resident of Lod, killed on 02.10.2001 in Alei Sinai, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire of Palestinians who infiltrated the settlement. Sla'it Sheetrit 28 year-old resident of Kibbutz Sede Eliahu, killed on 24.09.2001 in Beq'at Hyarden, West Bank district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while riding in her car on the Habika'a road. Sarit 'Amrani 26 year-old resident of Nokdim, Bethlehem district, killed on 20.09.2001 next to Tekoa', Bethlehem district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while riding in her car. Meir Weisshaus 23 year-old resident of East Jerusalem, killed on 15.09.2001 in East Jerusalem, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car on the Ramot-French Hill road (9). Ruth Shu'ai 46 year-old resident of Alfe Menashe, Tulkarm district, killed on 12.09.2001 next to Habla, Qalqiliya district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while riding in her car. Sima Franko 24 year-old resident of Beit Shean, killed on 09.09.2001 next to Ma'ale Efraim, Jericho district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while riding in a car on the Habika'a road. Ya'akov Hatzav 42 year-old resident of Hamra, Jericho district, killed on 09.09.2001 next to Ma'ale Efraim, Jericho district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car on the Habika'a road. Amos Tajouri 60 year-old resident of Modi'in, killed on 30.08.2001 in Ni'lin, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while he was in a local restaurant. Shot in the head. Oleg Sutnikov 35 year-old resident of Ashdod, killed on 29.08.2001 in Qusin, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving his gas truck. Meir Lixenberg 38 year-old resident of Itamar, Nablus district, killed on 27.08.2001 next to Beit Furik, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. Dov Rosman 58 year-old resident of Netanya, killed on 26.08.2001 next to Zeita, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while he was doing business in the area. Yaniv Ben Shalom 27 year-old resident of Ofarim, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 25.08.2001 next to Beit Ur a-Tahta, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while driving in his car on Jerusalem-Modi'in road (443). Sharon Ben Shalom 26 year-old resident of Ofarim, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 25.08.2001 next to Beit Ur a-Tahta, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while riding in a car with her family on Jerusalem-Modi'in road (443). Zohar Shurgi 40 year-old resident of Yafit, Jericho district, killed on 07.08.2001 next to Tapuah, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car near Tapuah junction. Tehiya Bloomberg 40 year-old resident of Karne Shomeron, Tulkarm district, killed on 05.08.2001 in 'Azzun (Khirbet A'sala), Qalqiliya district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while riding in her car. Ronen Landau 17 year-old, killed on 26.07.2001 next to al-Jib, al-Quds district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while driving in his car. Yuri Gushchin 18 year-old resident of East Jerusalem, killed on 24.07.2001 in al-Birah, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Stabbed and shot by a Palestinian who traveled with him from Jerusalem to el-Bireh. David Cohen 28 year-old resident of Betar Illit, Bethlehem district, injured on 13.07.2001 in Kiryat Arba, Hebron district, by gunfire, and died on 14.07.2001. Additional information: Killed when Palestinians opened fire at an IDF jeep and missed, hitting his car instead. He died from his wounds two days later. Yehezkel Mu'alem 49 year-old resident of Kiryat Arba, Hebron district, killed on 13.07.2001 in Kiryat Arba, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed when Palestinians opened fire at an IDF jeep and missed, hitting his car instead. Yair Har Sinai 51 year-old resident of Susiya, Hebron district, killed on 02.07.2001 next to Susiya, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while grazing his flock. Aharon 'Obadyan 41 year-old resident of Zichron Ya'akov, killed on 02.07.2001 in Baka a-Sharkiah, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while shopping in the local market Katya Weintraub 29 year-old resident of Gannim, Jenin district, killed on 28.06.2001 next to Jenin, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while riding in her car. Ilya Krivitz 62 year-old resident of Homesh, Tulkarm district, killed on 20.06.2001 in Silat a-Dhahr, Jenin district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed at close range when he came to meet another Palestinian. Danny Yehuda 35 year-old resident of Homesh, Tulkarm district, killed on 18.06.2001 next to Shavey Shomeron, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while driving in his car. Doron Yehuda Zisserman 38 year-old resident of 'Einab, Tulkarm district, killed on 18.06.2001 next to 'Einab, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while driving in his car. Yehuda Haim Shoham Under 1 year-old resident of Shilo, Ramallah and al-Bira district, injured on 06.06.2001 in Shilo Junction, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by stone throwing, and died on 11.06.2001. Additional information: Wounded in the head by a stone thrown at him, died a week later. Zvi Shelef 63 year-old resident of Mevo Dotan, Jenin district, killed on 31.05.2001 next to Baka a-Sharkiah, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. Esther 'Alwan 20 year-old resident of Efrat, Bethlehem district, killed on 29.05.2001 next to Neve Daniel, Bethlehem district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while riding in a car. Sarah Blaustein 53 year-old resident of Efrat, Bethlehem district, killed on 29.05.2001 next to Neve Daniel, Bethlehem district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while riding in her car. Gilad Zer 41 year-old resident of Itamar, Nablus district, killed on 29.05.2001 in Jit, Qalqiliya district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while riding in a car. Yosef Alfasi 50 year-old resident of Rishon Lezion, killed on 25.05.2001 next to Khirbet Jubara, Tulkarm district, by stabbing. Additional information: Stabbed to death by Palestinians he met. Asher Iluz 33 year-old resident of Modi'in, killed on 23.05.2001 next to Ari'el, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while riding in a car. Idit Mizrahi 20 year-old resident of Rimmonim, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 15.05.2001 next to Ma'ale Mikhmas, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while riding in her car. Kobi Mandell 14 year-old resident of Tekoa', Bethlehem district, killed on 09.05.2001 next to Tekoa', Bethlehem district, by beating. Additional information: Killed by Palestinians who crushed his skull with rocks. Arnaldo Agarnioni 48 year-old resident of Barqan, Nablus district, killed on 08.05.2001 next to Itamar, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Stabbed and shot while guarding a caravan site. Yosef Ishran 14 year-old resident of Tekoa', Bethlehem district, injured on 09.05.2001 next to Tekoa', Bethlehem district, by beating, and died on 08.05.2001. Additional information: Killed by Palestinians who crushed his skull with rocks. Assaf Hershkowitz 32 year-old resident of Ofra, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 01.05.2001 next to Bet El, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. Stanislav Sandomirsky 38 year-old resident of Beit Shemesh, killed on 21.04.2001 next to Ramallah, by beating. Additional information: Beating to death. His car was found abandoned in Ramallah area. Shalhevet Pass Under 1 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 26.03.2001 in Hebron, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by sniper gunfire while in the settlement playground. Baruch Cohen 49 year-old resident of Efrat, Bethlehem district, killed on 19.03.2001 next to Neve Daniel, Bethlehem district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. Tzahi Sasson 35 year-old resident of Rosh Tzurim, Bethlehem district, killed on 11.02.2001 next to Bethlehem, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car on the Haminharot road. Lior 'Attiyah 23 year-old resident of Afula, killed on 01.02.2001 next to al-Jalameh, Jenin district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire at close range when he came to get his car at the garage after it had been repaired. Shmuel Gillis 42 year-old resident of Carmei Tzur, Hebron district, killed on 01.02.2001 next to al-'Arrub Camp, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. Arye Hershkwitz 55 year-old resident of Ofra, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 29.01.2001 next to 'Atarot, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car on the Ramallah road. Akiva Pashkos 45 year-old resident of West Jerusalem, killed on 25.01.2001 in 'Atarot, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car. Moti Dayan 29 year-old resident of Tel Aviv-Yafo, killed on 23.01.2001 next to Nur Shams Refugee Camp, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire after he was kidnapped from a restaurant in Tulkarm. Etgar Zeituny 34 year-old resident of Tel Aviv-Yafo, killed on 23.01.2001 next to Nur Shams Refugee Camp, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire after he was kidnapped from a restaurant in Tulkarm. Ophir Rahum 16 year-old resident of Ashkelon, killed on 17.01.2001 next to al-Birah, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire at close range after he was tricked into going to Ramallah. Ron Tzalah 32 year-old resident of Kfar Yam, Gush Katif district, killed on 14.01.2001 in Kfar Yam, Gush Katif district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by a gunshot to the head while in his greenhouse. Talia Kahane 33 year-old resident of Tapuah, Nablus district, killed on 31.12.2000 next to Ofra, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while riding in her car. Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane Resident of Tapuah, Nablus district, killed on 31.12.2000 next to Ofra, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while driving in his car. Eliahu Cohen 29 year-old resident of Modi'in, killed on 21.12.2000 next to Giv'at Ze'ev, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while driving in his car. Rina Didovsky 39 year-old resident of Beit Hagai, Hebron district, killed on 08.12.2000 next to Kiryat Arba, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while riding in a car. Eliahu Ben Ami 41 year-old resident of Otni'el, Hebron district, killed on 08.12.2000 next to Kiryat Arba, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while driving in his car. Ariel Jerrafi 40 year-old resident of Petah Tikva, killed on 24.11.2000 next to Tapuah, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed by gunfire while driving in his car near Tapuah junction. Itamar Yefet 18 year-old resident of Netzer Hazani, Gush Katif district, killed on 21.11.2000 next to Gush Katif, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while driving in his car in Gush katif junction. Miriam Amitai 35 year-old resident of Kfar Darom, Deir al-Balah district, killed on 20.11.2000 next to Kfar Darom, Deir al-Balah district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed when the bus she was riding on blown up. Gavriel Biton 34 year-old resident of Kfar Darom, Deir al-Balah district, killed on 20.11.2000 next to Kfar Darom, Deir al-Balah district, by explosion. Additional information: Killed when the bus she was riding on blown up. Gabi Zaghouri 35 year-old resident of Netivot, killed on 13.11.2000 next to Gush Katif, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while driving in his truck. Sarah Lisha 42 year-old resident of Neve Halamish, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 13.11.2000 next to Ofra, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while driving in her car. Noa Dahan 25 year-old resident of Mivtahim, killed on 08.11.2000 next to Rafah Crossing, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while driving in her car. Esh Kodesh Gilmor 25 year-old resident of Mevo Modi'im, killed on 30.10.2000 in East Jerusalem, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while he was guarding a National Insurance Institute office in East Jerusalem. Shot in his head. Amos Machlouf 30 year-old resident of East Jerusalem, killed on 28.10.2000 next to Beit Jala, Bethlehem district, by stabbing. Additional information: Killed when he was stabbed and shot. His body was found two days after he was reported missing. Marik Gavrilov 25 year-old resident of Banei Ayish, killed on 27.10.2000 in Ramallah, by gunfire. Additional information: His body was found burnt in his car. Binyamin Herling 64 year-old resident of Kedumim, Tulkarm district, killed on 19.10.2000 next to Nablus, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while hiking on Mt. Eival. Hillel Lieberman 36 year-old resident of Eilon Moreh, Nablus district, killed on 07.10.2000 next to Nablus, by gunfire. Additional information: His body was found a day after he disappeared. Wichlav Zalsevsky 24 year-old resident of Ashdod, killed on 02.10.2000 in Mas'ha, Salfit district, by gunfire.

  5. Anonymous11:05 am

    That list is unlike the rubbery figures that O'Loughlin and others provide their readers where non-combatants on the Palestinian side die not because they are targets but because the terrorists put them in harm's way.

    That those people never make the distinction is a matter of shame.

  6. Anonymous5:30 pm

    Ha'aretz has this story on the death of a young girl during the fighting in Gaza. The allegations against Hamas are frightful:-


    Hamas lets Fatah man who lost two kids in IDF raid visit their graves by Avi Issacharoff , Haaretz

    Following Tuesday's Haaretz report, Hamas has decided to let a Fatah activist return to the Gaza Strip to visit the burial site of two of his children who were killed Sunday during an Israel Defense Forces' raid in Jabalya.

    Muhammed Abu Shabak, a Fatah activist and rival of Hamas faction, fled to Ramallah last June, at the beginning of the Fatah-Hamas civil war, after repeated threats on his life.

    After his children Jacqueline and Iyad were announced dead on Sunday, Abu Shabak was told by Hamas militants that if he tried to come to their Gaza Strip funeral, he would be killed.

    However, following report of the story in Haaretz on Tuesday, Hamas reneged on its threats and decided to let Abu Shabak enter Gaza in order to visit his children's graves. Later on Tuesday, Abu Shabak was indeed granted entrance to the Strip and hurried to see his children's burial site.

    Abu Shabak and his acquaintances suspect that the Israel Air Force targeted his house and that the attack was not accidental. They said that in recent incidents in the Strip, Hamas men were hiding near the homes of Fatah activists so that the IDF strikes would target these homes.

    Hamas' Gaza spokesman, Fawzi Barhum, rejected the claims, saying "this is a lie. Our battle is with the Israeli enemy and it is impossible that we would do such a thing."

    Earlier on Tuesday, before Hamas reneged on its warnings, Abu Shabak said "I don't know whom I'm more angry with - Hamas, who won't let me go to my children's funeral, or Israel, who killed them and stopped their mother from coming to see them in the hospital."

    "I didn't say a word to the kids when I left the house," he added. "Only when I made it through the Erez crossing did I call and tell Jacqueline I was moving to Ramallah and promised to see her again soon. I never saw her again."

    His house in Ramallah was filled with guests who came to console him, almost all of them, like himself, refugees who have been sentenced to death in Gaza. Some of them escaped assassination attempts. All Fatah's senior officials and former Palestinian Authority officers in Gaza arrived. Many had left their families behind in Gaza, because Israel refused to let the families join their fathers and husbands in the West Bank.

    Mohammed sat grieving in a small room. He used to talk to his children and especially to his eldest, 17-year-old Jacqueline, every day. "Every day she told me she missed me. In May, after she and her brother Iyad passed their exams, I planned to bring them to Ramallah. She was an outstanding student, dreamed of studying engineering at university. She was afraid of being teased because of her foreign name. She was always angry with me for choosing that name."

    "On Saturday I spoke to her at about 10 P.M. Jacqueline was sick and so was Iyad, who had back problems. I told my wife that I wanted her to take the children and move to her family's house in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, where it's quieter. Her leg is broken, so she said she'd go the next day. At midnight Jacqueline called. The military operation had begun, and I heard the shelling and bombing. She told me that my little son, Mohammed Ali, kept running to the window every time he heard shooting and asked me to speak to him. I did. He promised not to cause her any problems. An hour later I called her again and asked everyone to gather in the living room. At 2:15 A.M. we had our last conversation. She told me she missed me."

    He burst into tears again.

    "I told her not to be afraid. I promised her that tomorrow we'd talk on instant messenger and she asked me to talk to Iyad, but I said I was tired and would talk to them later. At about 2:30 A.M. they were killed."

    Abu Shabak's friends say that Iyad had left the living room to go to the bathroom when a shell hit the house and he was seriously injured. He called for help and his sister Jacqueline rushed to his side. As she approached him, soldiers shot her. Rescue teams took the two, still breathing, to the hospital, but they died soon after arrival. Their mother remained in the shelled house with a broken leg and three small children. The phone lines were cut off and nobody could approach the house, which was in the center of the IDF's operation site, to tell her of their death.

    Meanwhile, one of the neighbors called Abu Shabak's friend Nashet, who also lives in Ramallah, and told him what had happened. Nashet went to Abu Shabak's house. "He woke me up. I asked him what are you doing here, what happened? He told me Jacqueline was killed. Only after I collapsed and was taken to the hospital did my friends tell me the whole truth," says Mohammed.

    Asked if he would still try to move his family to Ramallah, Mohammed says, "No, someone must take care of Jacqueline and Iyad's graves, and my wife won't leave them behind."
