Friday, March 07, 2008


Ha'aretz reports that armed Arab terrorists today entered a Jerusalem school resulting in eight dead and nine wounded - Eight killed in terrorist attack at Jerusalem yeshiva.

And after the killing?

"In Gaza, Hamas welcomed the terrorist attack. 'We bless the [Jerusalem] operation. It will not be the last,' Hamas said in a statement.

"In Gaza City, residents went out into the streets and fired rifles in celebration in the air after hearing news of the attack on the yeshiva."

Evil. Sheer, evil.

POSTSCRIPT: The UN Security Council failed to reach an agreement on issuing an official condemnation over the deadly shooting attack in Jerusalem's Mercaz Harav Yeshiva because of Libyan opposition - more evil.


  1. Anonymous5:18 pm

    Naturally Ed's report tomorrow will emphasize the fact that the scorboard for the day was 8 - 7 so his report is close to balanced!

  2. Anonymous5:45 pm

    It's been a busy day for the death cults -

    [Omid the Persian]

  3. Anonymous8:21 am

    One of my friends already told me about this place and I do not regret that I found this article.
