Friday, March 14, 2008


Yesterday, while still in Canberra and sipping my coffee in a wonderful little cafe on a wide and sunny sidewalk, I thought I had seen the ultimate in dishonest reporting in what masquerades as the national capital's newspaper - the Canberra Times. Nothing prepared me however, for this story from CAMERA about the BBC's Fabricated Home Demolition Report which takes the cake in a big week of lies, dissembling and evasion from the world wide web of Israel bashers for who the words "honesty" and "truth" seem as distant as some of the galaxies on the outer reaches of the universe.


  1. Anonymous6:00 pm

    The BBC have just started their Arabic /Muslim TV service just like CNN have CNN/Middle east service.on top of that the biggest shareholders in CNN''s parent company AOL is a Saudi Arabian Sheik and he has now joined Rupert Murdoch no doubt trying to get FOX News to follow the CNN/BBC arab path.

    And the Arabs and Muslims claim Jews run the media. Jews only wish they did...

  2. Anonymous12:25 am

    Don't you know that the Jews run everything? Nowadays the Jews are called "Zionists", so that anti-semites can claim that they aren't antisemitic at all - see our own little "anti-Zionist" Antony Loewenstein.

  3. Anonymous4:52 am

    You really should read Loewenstein's blog a little more Sam. There are plenty of times when the mental midget slips up and specifically targets "the Jews" rather than "Zionists". Read his stuff again and imagine that it's the blog of someone called Goebbels and not Looewenstein and you'll get my drift.

  4. Anonymous5:50 pm

    Rooster Magic is right. Loewenstein's blog is an example of Fascist raving that is hard to beat anywhere. He believes he can get away with it because, as he says often, he is Jewish.

    I used to look at his blog now and again to see what he thinks, but eventually his absurd claims and ravings got boring. I have even lost interest in his few fans, those of the extreme right who have found a hero in Loewenstein (and, in any case, anybody with other views is censored) who were always good for a laugh.

    It would be best to let Loewenstein talk to himself. Clicking onto his blog merely gives him statistics. Letting him scream to himself will result in an echo that will drive him crazy.
