Friday, February 08, 2008


Yesterday, during an early-morning foray into the Gaza Strip, Israeli troops uncovered underground qassam launch silos like the one pictured above - Underground Kassam silos found in Gaza.

The army said the launchers were big enough to hold a qassam or Grad-model Katyusha rocket that could be launched by remote control.

Some 20 qassam rockets hit the western Negev yesterday including one of that hit a garage adjacent to a house in Sderot, causing a fire and sending three people into shock.

During the operation, the troops killed seven Palestinian gunmen affiliated with Hamas and Islamic Jihad. I wonder if the news of what was discovered during the operation kept their deaths on the blank pages? After all, according to what the stringers tell journalists to write in their newspapers, Hamas rarely involves itself in quassam rocket fire, preferring instead to work towards the attainment of universal peace and brotherhood.

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