Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Two Palestinian human rights groups calling for an investigation of the recent explosion in El-Bureij Refugee Camp which killed a Ayman Atallah Ahmad Fayed, a leading "activist" in the armed wing of Islamic Jihad, his wife, three of his children and three neighbours have conceded that work place accidents in crowded Gaza neighbourhoods really do occur with some regularity - PCHR & Al-Mezan Call for Investigating the Explosion in El-Bureij Refugee Camp.

The group's preliminary findings indicate that "there is no evidence to confirm that the explosion was caused by rocket or aerial bombardment by Israeli occupation forces (IOF), as mentioned in some media outlets. It is more likely that it was an internal explosion the circumstances of which are unclear as of yet. Eyewitnesses confirmed seeing smoke and fire issue from Fayed’s house seconds before the explosion. According to similar incidents in the past, this indicates that it may have been an internal explosion."

The findings do not rule out the possibility that the Israelis might have planted "a booby-trapped explosive device inside the house" but, in reality, this seems unlikely.

The groups conclude that -

"- the biggest losers in this tragedy are the Palestinian civilians who were killed, injured, terrorized, and suffered the destruction of their property and

- regardless of the cause of this explosion, both organizations point to the danger of storage of explosives in residential areas by Palestinian resistance groups, which threatens the lives of Palestinian civilians in violation of human rights and International Humanitarian Law. This erroneous practice must stop! And its threat becomes more serious in of the continuous IOF threats."

The deaths of the Islamic Jihad leader, his family and neighbours took place in a Palestinian refugee camp in Gaza. Although the human rights groups mention Israeli "Occupation" Forces, it should be noted that Israel has not occupied Gaza since August 2005 when Israel left the territory lock, stock and barrel. Whilst the groups recognise the threats involved in storage of explosives, they remain quite delusional in their reference to Israeli "occupiers" and, based on their website, have no concern for the human rights of Israeli civilians on the other side of the border who would have been the recipients of the explosive material were it not for this work place accident.

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