Saturday, January 12, 2008


It's Almost Supernatural reports that "detractors of Israel will be shocked to learn that another 3 Black South African soccer players could soon be playing for local Israeli teams" in Why the South African Soccer Exodus to “Apartheid” Israel? The story adds more proof to the fact that the ugly canard that Israel is an Apartheid state is a blatant lie put out by the Israel bashing lobby.

"Anyone who has followed Israel’s attempts to qualify for major international tournaments will no doubt know how much they rely on the key Israeli-Arab duo of Abbas Suan and Walid Badir.

It should be clear to all that the Middle East conflict is not a racial one as some would have us believe. It is a dispute between 2 nations over the same tiny piece of land.

Steve adds: The real racism when it comes to Israeli football is that Israel is forced to qualify for the FIFA World Cup via difficult European groups because Arab nations refuse to accept them into their legitimate (and much easier) geographical (Arab) region."

The three South Africans are Lungisani Ndlela, Thembinkosi “Terror” Fanteni and Bamuza Sono although it should be noted that in the unlikely event that this news ever made it into our local papers here, the Melbourne Age would refer to Fanteni as Thembinkosi "Militant" Fanteni.

(pictured above are Israeli national teamers (L to R) Abbas Suan, Arik Benado and Walid Badir celebrate a goal against Ireland.).

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