Monday, January 28, 2008


The brief article on the death of Palestinian terrorist George Habash in today's Melbourne Age carries the title "Fighter for Palestine dies". Typically, the details of his life remain in the blank pages although, in a rare concession to honest reporting, the item admits that he "gained notoriety for promoting the Palestinian cause through terrorist attacks".

Which is what terrorist groups Hamas, Fatah and Islamic Jihad do these days except they're now called "militants" and some members of the media cover up for a most of what they do and what they stand for.

In the real world Habash was a nasty piece of work, a real mass murderer. He was much more than a "party founder" as the headline to this item in USA Today states - he "promoted the Palestinian cause through terrorist attacks in the 1970s, including the hijacking of an Air France airliner to Entebbe, Uganda. The group also was responsible for gunning down 27 people at Israel's Lod airport in May 1972."

The report in the Age provides a little bit of understanding as to why Israel is forced to take its counter measures to terrorist activity emanating from places like Gaza which cause such dismay among Fairfax letter writers. It leaves me to wonder however, whether the Age headline on 1 May 1945 read "Fighter for Germany dies". In any event, Habash has departed and he doesn't have to fear being skyjacked on his way to his next destination because, like all of his ilk, he's headed down all the way to hell.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:06 pm

    Fairfax/al' Age dedicates nearly a half page obituary to Islamist terrorist ''Guru"' George Habash and we are told Habash's claim to fame other than killing Jews in the name of the ''Religion of Peace' he was the founding father of ''Airplane Hijacking''

    Wonderful al' age I am sure your Arab/Muslim readers will be proud of this man and your newspaper will continue to support the Jihadists ..
