Saturday, January 26, 2008


[Pictured above: Mark Regev, spokesman for Israeli PM Ehud Olmert]

How refreshing is it to go to a Fairfax news internet site and read an item about the State of Israel and one of its citizens and for there not to be even the slightest hint of the author editorialising or ramming his own opinions down the reader's throat?

This is the exact experience I had this morning when I read Jason Koutsoukis' excellent piece in the Melbourne Age about Aussie expat Mark Regev who has risen to the post of official spokesman for Israel's Prime Minister Ehud Olmert - The (Aussie) voice of Israel. Regev is here on a personal visit.

What resonates through the Koutsoukis article is how Regev, who is spokesman for an unpopular leader as a result of criticism at home of Olmert’s handling of the Second Lebanon War of 2006, is able to talk about his homeland and of his hopes for peace with his country's neighbours and there is not even a hint of the hatred that so manifestly fills the other side as painted in so many of the Fairfax reports from the region.


  1. Anonymous2:56 pm

    I sent a letter in to The Age sraight away complimenting the interview with Mark Regev and that he must have one of the hardest jobs in the world and also that Marks family must be proud of him you think the Age published the letter way their Palestinian and Arab readers , staff writers Palestinain Maher Muhgabi,Islamic council of Vic. Waleed Aly,Michael Lunig & Julien Burnside Muslim advocate may all have been offeneded..

  2. Anonymous9:21 am

    I would suggest that most of those who you've just named would be still sulking about the balanced nature of the interview.

    How dare the Age should do such a thing!
