Friday, November 23, 2007


We read a great deal about how it is alleged that the Israelis are damaging the Palestinian economy with their blockade of Gaza but the media seems to downplay positive news such as the recent decision announced by Israel's Agriculture Minister Shalom Simchon to permit farmers in the Gaza Strip to export their entire crop of strawberries and flowers to Europe - Israeli minister says exports will be allowed out of Gaza Strip.

"Israel will allow the opening of the Sufa crossing for the passage of agricultural produce, beginning with strawberries and flowers and then expanding to include other produce, Simchon told Israel Radio."

The problem is that the Martyr Brigades, a Fatah aligned terrorist group has a habit of bombing the crossing and an even bigger problem is that you won't find out about it in the mainstream media. Ed O'Loughlin of the Melbourne Age for instance won't tell you but Ma'an, a Palestinian newsagency will - Martyr Brigades declare Ahmed Abu Rish claimed responsibility for the bombing of the Sufa military at 3 missiles from helicopter Amr 2.

Whether or not you have an affinity for Jewish settlers living on disputed territory in the West Bank, the fact remains that the great majority of them are hard working, law abiding people. Yet they have been demonised in some sectors of the media which remain decidedly shtumm on the subject of Palestinian vandalism on property belonging to Jewish farmers. To discover about that you need to refer to left leaning Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz which has found evidence of arson, sabotage of equipment and destruction of crops by Palestinians - Settlers: Palestinians vandalizing Jewish farmers' property.

Really, the selective coverage of the news at such a vital time in the history of the Middle East sometimes seems a little like that Beatles' song about Strawberry Fields where nothing is real.

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