Thursday, November 08, 2007


Here is the resume on Ed O'Loughlin from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -

Ed O'Loughlin is a journalist for John Fairfax Holdings, an Australian media group. His reporting appears in the Australian newspapers The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Born in Toronto in 1966, he studied liberal arts at the Trinity College, Dublin. His career began as a freelance journalist in the Belgian Congo in the Democratic Rebublic of the Congo. He began work for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, first in South Africa, based there for eight years covering Africa. Since 2002 he has been based in Jerusalem, covering news events in Israel and the Palestinian territories.His reportage has been found to be biased against Israel by Media Study Group in their paper of November 2003: An Analysis of Compliance with Journalistic Standards in The Age Newspaper's News Stories on the Arab Israeli Conflict

The Age profile His reportage has been found to be biased against Israel by Media Study Group in their paper of November 2003: An Analysis of Compliance with Journalistic Standards in The Age Newspaper's News Stories on the Arab Israeli Conflict" .

NOTE: I have been informed that from time to time, the comment about Media Study Group's findings on O'Loughlin will mysteriously disappear. Thanks to Mr. Adon Emett who keeps replacing it.


  1. Anonymous11:34 am

    The best part of the resume has yet to be written. That's the part that says he's the former Jerusalem bureau propagandist for Fairfax.

  2. Anonymous8:35 am

    Mr O'Loughlin has rightly expressed his commitment to impartial journalism. His compliance with standards of such journalism has been independently evaluated by the Media Study Group in respect to his reporting and he has been invited to respond to their findings available at This is the only in-depth study into O'Loughlin's work and is noteworthy for its scrupulous methodology. It has revealed a clear and undeniable pattern of advocacy journalism in repeated and flagrant violations of journalistic standards.
