Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Last week Palestinian terrorists went on a shooting spree near the West Bank city of Ariel. The only newspaper in Australia which reported on the incident was the Australian Jewish News. The group responsible for the random shooting was not Hamas but Fatah whose leader Mahmoud Abbas will be sitting down with Israeli PM Ehud Olmert to discuss a peace deal in Annapolis Maryland next month. Some four years ago, Abbas committed the Palestine Authority in writing to an unconditional dismantlement and disarming of its terror groups, a commitment that was very quickly repudiated.

The Isranet photo above shows the burnt-out wreckage of the vehicle used by the terrorists found abandoned in a Palestinian village near Nablus. Abbas has threatened that there will be more scenes of a similar nature unless he can bring his people a deal on his terms from the meeting at Annapolis. I suppose that's what Middle East peace negotiations are all about which probably explains why very few end up in the successful basket.

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