Tuesday, July 24, 2007


To my surprise, today's Melbourne Age WORLD NEWS section contains an article, ISRAELI TEXT BOOK TELLS ARAB STORY. Taken from the Los Angeles Times, it's about the Israeli Education Ministry's approval of a school text book acknowledging to the country's minority Palestinian citizens that the Jewish state's creation was a tragedy for them.

The decision serves as a compelling reminder of the maturity of Israeli society and the strength of its democracy. Israeli educators are light years ahead of their Palestinian counterparts who refuse to accept that there are two people living in the region and that each has its own narrative which deserves to be acknowledged.

Readers of the Age would not be aware of the difference between the Israeli and the Palestinian education systems. The newspaper has recently ignored the way Hamas TV's exploits young choldren with its programming which until recently featured Farfour, a genocidal Mickey Mouse character that has now been replaced by a killer bee which preaches hatred of Jews to Palestinian children. The Age has also forgotten to make mention of the contents of schoolbooks distributed by the Palestine Authority filled with racist epithets and calls for the destruction of Israel.

Strange that!

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