Friday, May 11, 2007


You have to ask how it is that Britain could become a country that is home to unions of teachers and unions that pander to reactionary groups like Hamas and Hizbullah, how an ogre like Ken Livingstone could become and remain Mayor of London, a city which has "become home to people wanted for terrorist crimes as far afield as Cairo and Karachi?

Britain is sinking fast. It was humiliated by the Iranians last month. Yesterday Tony Blair announced the end of his Prime Ministership with his tail between his legs. The Empire is fading and the Britain of the past is another country.

Christopher Hitchens returns to Finsbury Park, a shabby area of North London, and the home of his lost youth to look into the face of his new country. Londonistan Calling makes interesting but chilling reading.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:49 am

    I remember the Finsbury Park that Hitchen writes about. It was a quite peaceful working class neighbourhood where you didn't need multicultural policies for everybody to get along.
