Friday, April 27, 2007


Just as Melanie Phillips was writing to point out that French Jews are at the crossroads and citing a most powerful and disturbing piece by Professor Shmuel Trigano on the parlous state of French Jewry, another severe anti-Semitic attack took place in the French city of Marseille.

The head of the Jewish Agency delegation in France, David Roche, described the assault on the 22-year-old Jewish woman by two men of Middle Eastern appearance as "the most severe anti-Semitic attack in France since the murder of the young Jewish male Ilan Halimi by a gang of Muslim youths in February 2006."

Such attacks are occurring all too frequently throughout Europe and if we accept Professor Trigano's thesis, the days of many of the remnants of the continent's Jewish communties are numbered. And the Jews are not the only ones in trouble.


  1. Anonymous6:31 pm

    Your readers might be interested to know that captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit is also a French citizen [].

    I wonder if there's a French version of Robert Richter QC out there campaigning for his freedom in much the same way as our own Richter worked his butt off for the anti Semite David Hicks?

    I wonder if the French government has done anything to secure Shalit's freedom or even a message of hope for his family?

    I wonder if the European Union has passed an emergency resolution calling for his safe return as it has done for British journalist David Johnston?

    I wonder if the British journalists would consider boycotting the Palestinians for their role in Shalit's kidnapping?

    No I don't wonder at all, I know the answer.

  2. Anonymous8:35 pm

    You can say that again!
